vendor_prefix 硒网络驱动程序

vendor_prefix selenium webdriver

我要执行cdp commands using asyncio and like the execute_cdp_cmd command in selenium and i also found the undocumented (maybe i dont have the correct documentation) endpoint url of the chrome webdriver, see here executeCdpCommand.

self._commands['executeCdpCommand'] = ('POST', '/session/$sessionId/{}/cdp/execute'.format(vendor_prefix))

如您所见,我需要 vendor_prefix 才能正确执行 cdp 命令。 我找到的唯一一句话是在 ChromiumDriver in selenium.

 - vendor_prefix - Company prefix to apply to vendor-specific WebDriver extension commands.


我在 java source 中找到了 selenium 的 google chrome 供应商前缀,webdriver 期望它是:

  public Map<String, CommandInfo> getAdditionalCommands() {
    return ImmutableMap.of(
      EXECUTE_CDP, new CommandInfo("session/:sessionId/goog/cdp/execute", HttpMethod.POST));