flask-restx 如何从模型创建解析器

flask-restx how to create parser from model

我正在使用 flask-restx 来记录和格式化我的 api

我有一个应用程序,包括一个目录,其中包含以下格式的 json 模式:http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#
(在我的应用程序中,它们被保存为 json 文件,在下面的示例中,我将其作为硬编码的字典来简化示例)

使用架构,我想实现 3 个目标:
  1. 文档
  2. 根据要求进行验证
  3. 正在解析请求

使用 @api.expect(request_model, validate=True) 我设法实现了 (1) 和 (2),但我找不到使用现有模式进行解析的方法,我不得不创建一个解析器对象 reqparse.RequestParser(),并重写参数。
有没有办法从模型中创建 RequestParser? (模型是从现有的 json 模式文件创建的)


from flask_restx import Api, inputs

api = Api(app, doc='/my_doc_path')

request_schema = {
    'type': 'object',
    'properties': {
        'param1': {'type': 'string'},
        'the_date': {"type": "string", "format": "date-time"},
    'required': ['param1'],
request_model = api.schema_model('my_api_model', request_schema)

class MyApi(Resource):

    @api.expect(request_model, validate=True)
    def post(self, id):
        my cool app
        parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
        parser.add_argument('param1', help='some param 1')
        parser.add_argument('the_date', type=inputs.datetime_from_iso8601, help='some date_time')
        args = parser.parse_args()
        do_something(args['param1'], args['the_date'])


parser = reqparse.RequestParser(request_model)
args = parser.parse_args()



def build_parser(schema):
    parser = RequestParser()

    for prop, conf in schema['properties'].items():
        if conf.get('type') == 'string' and conf.get('format') == 'date-time':
            parser.add_argument(prop, type=inputs.datetime_from_iso8601)
        elif conf['type'] == 'integer':
            parser.add_argument(prop, type=int)
        elif conf['type'] == 'boolean':
            parser.add_argument(prop, type=bool, default=False)
        elif conf['type'] == 'array':
            parser.add_argument(prop, default=list, action='append')
     return parser


import functools
import inspect

class Rest:

    def route(api, route_str='', decorators=None):
        decorators = decorators or []

        def wrapper(cls):
            for name, method in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.isfunction):
                schema_name = getattr(method, '_schema_name', None)
                if schema_name:
                    schema = getattr(method, '_schema', None)
                    setattr(cls, name, api.expect(api.schema_model(schema_name, schema), validate=True)(method))

            cls.method_decorators = cls.method_decorators + decorators
            return api.route(route_str)(cls) if route_str else cls

        return wrapper

    def schema(schema_name, parse=False):
        def decorator(f):
            f._schema_name = schema_name
            f._schema = get_api_schema(schema_name) # this function reads the json file
            parser = build_parser(f._schema)

            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                if parse:
                    req_args = parser.parse_args()
                    return f(*args, req_args, **kwargs)

                return f(*args, **kwargs)

            return wrapper

        return decorator


@Rest.route(api, '/my_api/<string:id>')
class MyApi(Resource):

    @Rest.route('my_api_schema_name', validate=True)
    def post(self, args, id):
        do_something(args['param1'], args['the_date'])

注意我写的装饰器会解析参数并将它们传递给 post 函数