如何在自定义@INC 中使用 DBI 构建 DBD::mysql?

How to build DBD::mysql with DBI in a custom @INC?

我在持续集成构建服务器中构建 DBI 和 DBD::mysql。 DBI 的构建是成功的,如下面的构建日志摘录所示。它清楚地将 DBI/DBD.pm 安装在正确的位置。

pushd DBI-1.643

perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/data/pods/mysql-tools/mysql-tools/current

Installing /data/pods/mysql-tools/mysql-tools/current/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/DBI/DBD.pm
Appending installation info to /data/pods/mysql-tools/mysql-tools/current/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/perllocal.pod

但是 DBD::mysql 的下一部分构建失败了,因为它找不到 DBI 安装的文件。

pushd DBD-mysql-4.050

perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/data/pods/mysql-tools/mysql-tools/current --ssl

Can't locate DBI/DBD.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/share/perl5 .) 
at Makefile.PL line 15.

您可以看到,DBD::mysql 的 MakeMaker 根本没有将安装位置添加到其 @INC。它只有默认目录。

有没有办法将参数传递给 MakeMaker 以将安装目录添加到 @INC?我想我可以对其进行硬编码,但这似乎不合适且难以维护。有没有更好的方法自动将INSTALL_BASE/lib/perl5/<arch>添加到@INC


我当然更愿意使用 cpanm。但由于我雇主的安全政策,CI 构建服务器与互联网隔离。不允许来自 CI.

的 http 代理

根据the documentationINSTALL_BASE用于告诉make install安装模块的位置:


INSTALL_BASE can be passed into Makefile.PL to change where your module will be installed. INSTALL_BASE is more like what everyone else calls "prefix" than PREFIX is.

但它不会告诉 perl 到哪里寻找已安装的模块。为此,您可以使用环境变量 PERL5LIB,根据 the documentation :


A list of directories in which to look for Perl library files before looking in the standard library. Any architecture-specific and version-specific directories, such as version/archname/, version/, or archname/ under the specified locations are automatically included if they exist, with this lookup done at interpreter startup time. In addition, any directories matching the entries in $Config{inc_version_list} are added.