SwiftUI - 检测文本字段中的变化

SwiftUI - detect change in Textfield

我希望当用户在文本字段中编辑信息时它会监听变化 -> 保存按钮将从灰色变为蓝色并启用。如果用户没有编辑信息,保存按钮将被禁用。

我希望当用户在文本字段中编辑信息时它会监听变化 -> 保存按钮将从灰色变为蓝色。如果用户没有编辑信息,保存按钮将禁用

这是一个可能对您有用的简单示例,使用了一些评论建议。有 3 个主要元素,条件、禁用和颜色。

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var password = ""
    @State private var passwordRepeat = ""
    // here the condition you want
    var isConfirmed: Bool { 
        if !password.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty &&
            !passwordRepeat.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty &&
            (password == passwordRepeat) {
            return true
        } else {
            return false
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            SecureField("password", text: $password)
            SecureField("password confirm", text: $passwordRepeat)
            Button(action: { } ) {
            .disabled(!isConfirmed) // <-- here to enable/disable the button
            .background(isConfirmed ? Color.green : Color.gray) // <-- here to change color of the button
        }.frame(width: 333)

编辑 1:


// your ProfileEditorRow equivalent
struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var profileViewModel: ProfileViewModel
    let refUserName: String // <-- reference user name
    init(profileViewModel: ProfileViewModel) {
        self.profileViewModel = profileViewModel
        self.refUserName = profileViewModel.user.name // <-- here keep the initial user name
    var isCondition: Bool {
        return (refUserName == profileViewModel.name) // <-- here test for change
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TextField("test",text: $profileViewModel.user.name)
            Button(action: { print("----> SAVE") } ) {
            .disabled(isCondition) // <-- here to enable/disable the button
            .background(isCondition ? Color.gray : Color.green) // <-- here to change color of the button
        }.frame(width: 333)


您可能有一个包含姓名、生日等的 User 结构...使用这个:

struct User {
    var name
    var birthday
    var gender
    // ....

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var profileViewModel: ProfileViewModel
    let refUser: User // <-- reference user
    init(profileViewModel: ProfileViewModel) {
        self.profileViewModel = profileViewModel
        self.refUser = profileViewModel.user // <-- here keep the initial user values
    var isCondition: Bool {
        return (refUser.name == profileViewModel.user.name) &&
        (refUser.birthday == profileViewModel.user.birthday)
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TextField("name",text: $profileViewModel.user.name)
            TextField("birthday",text: $profileViewModel.user.birthday)
            Button(action: { print("----> SAVE") } ) {
            .disabled(isCondition) // <-- here to enable/disable the button
            .background(isCondition ? Color.gray : Color.green) // <-- here to change color of the button
        }.frame(width: 333)