
How to append stacked character values

我需要帮助将推送的元素附加到堆栈中。我想要下面的 returnItems 方法 return 将推入的元素放到堆栈上,如果它是回文,将用于与下面的字符串比较。


这是 returnItems 方法。如何修改粗体部分以获得 return 值(例如:上例中的 fedcba):

public T returnItems() {
    Node<T> temp = top;
    T value = null;

    if (top == null) { // checks if stack is empty
        System.out.println("Stack is empty");
        value = null;

    System.out.println("Elements: ");
    while (temp.getInfo() != null) {
        value = temp.getInfo(); // get the current character

        // How do I append the characters that the value variable temporarily holds
        // for each loop
        ***value = (T) (value + " "  + temp.getLink());*** // append it to the current character

        if (temp.getLink() == null) { // if the next link is null, the loop will break

        temp = temp.getLink(); // else, get the next link
    return value;

当您对堆栈上的两个元素使用 T(对于 char 可能是 Character)和结果 String,必须假设您有一个 Stack<String> 左右,因此 Node<String>.

public String returnItems() {    
    String reversed = ""; // Better a StringBuilder.
    while (top != null) {
        String ch = top.getInfo(); // get the current character
        reversed = reversed + ch;
        top = top.getLink(); // or `pop()` or such.
    return reversed;

因此:使用具体类型,而不是 T。这意味着 returnItems 必须 而不是 在堆栈 class 本身中,因为回文是仅限字符堆栈(堆栈用法)。我希望看到:

class Stack<T> {
    T top() { ... }
    boolean isEmpty() { ... }
    T pop() { ... }
    void push(T item) { ... }

Stack<Character> charStack = new Stack<>();

public String returnItems() {    
    String reversed = ""; // Better a StringBuilder.
    while (!charStack.isEmpty()) {
        char ch = charStack.pop(); // get the current character
        reversed += ch;
    return reversed;