
Binary search tree algorithm crashing when passing a parameter that isn't in the tree to the search function

我尝试构建一个二叉搜索树,当我给它参数时一切正常,但我想看看当它在树中找不到 int 时它是否会打印 0当我调用搜索时它崩溃了。

我尝试在第一个 if 语句之后添加一个条件,但这破坏了递归 这是代码:

   struct node
  int data;
  node* left;
  node* right;
  node(int d)
    data = d; 
    left = right = NULL;



node* insert(node *root, int n)
  if(root == NULL)
    return new node(n);
    node* y;

    if(n <= root->data)
      y = insert(root->left, n);
      root->left = y;
      y = insert(root->right, n);
      root->right = y;

    return root;


node* search(node *root,int n)
  if(root == NULL || root->data == n)
    return root;
  if(root->data < n)
    return search(root->right, n);
  return search(root->left, n);

int treemax(node *root)
   while(root->right != NULL)
     root = root->right;
   return root->data;

int treemin(node *root)
  while(root->left != NULL)
    root = root->left;
  return root->data;

int main()
   node *R = NULL;
   R = insert(R, 33);
   insert(R, 40);
   insert(R, 36);
   insert(R, 21);
  cout << search(R, 65)->data << endl;


cout << search(R, 65)->data << endl;

search(R, 65)returnsNULL。您不能通过对其执行 ->data 来取消引用 NULL。你可能想要:

Node* result = search(R, 65);
if (result)
    cout << result->data << endl;
    cout << "Not found" << endl;

您的问题是您正在尝试访问空指针。来自 search(R,65) 的指针 return 为空,因为在最后一步你的 root->rightnull。 如果你想 return 0 如果没有找到元素你可以用这个替换你的最后一行:

node *result = search(R, 65);
if (result)
 cout << result->data << endl;
 cout << "0" << endl;


struct node
//always initialize built-in type data members  
int data = 0;//initialize any built in type otherwise it will have garbage value
  node* left = nullptr;//initialize any built type as stated above
  node* right = nullptr;//initialize any built in type as stated above
  node(int d)
    data = d; 
    left = right = nullptr;



node* insert(node *root, int n)
  if(root == nullptr)
    return new node(n);
    node* y;

    if(n <= root->data)
      y = insert(root->left, n);
      root->left = y;
      y = insert(root->right, n);
      root->right = y;

    return root;


node* search(node *root,int n)
  if(root == nullptr || root->data == n)
    return root;
  if(root->data < n)
    return search(root->right, n);
  return search(root->left, n);

int treemax(node *root)
   while(root->right != nullptr)
     root = root->right;
   return root->data;

int treemin(node *root)
  while(root->left != nullptr)
    root = root->left;
  return root->data;

int main()
   node *R = nullptr;
   R = insert(R, 33);
   insert(R, 40);
   insert(R, 36);
   insert(R, 21);
  //std::cout << search(R, 65)->data << std::endl;
    node *value = search(R, 65);
    //check if the pointer is valid
        std::cout<< value->data <<std::endl;
        std::cout<<"cannot access nullptr"<<std::endl;

错误是因为 search(R, 65); 正在返回 NULL 而您试图访问 NULL 指针的数据成员值。