使用 boost spirit 解析固定宽度的数字

Parsing fixed width numbers with boost spirit

我正在使用 spirit 解析充满固定宽度数字的类似 fortran 的文本文件:

1234 0.000000000000D+001234
1234 7.654321000000D+001234
1234                   1234


这是我的 Live On Coliru

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

struct RECORD {
    uint16_t a{};
    double   b{};
    uint16_t c{};


int main() {
    using It = std::string::const_iterator;
    using namespace qi::labels;

    qi::uint_parser<uint16_t, 10, 4, 4> i4;

    qi::rule<It, double()> X19 = qi::double_ //
        | qi::repeat(19)[' '] >> qi::attr(0.0);

    for (std::string const str : {
             "1234 0.000000000000D+001234",
             "1234 7.654321000000D+001234",
             "1234                   1234",
         }) {

        It f = str.cbegin(), l = str.cend();

        RECORD rec;
        if (qi::parse(f, l, (i4 >> X19 >> i4), rec)) {
            std::cout << "{a:" << rec.a << ", b:" << rec.b << ", c:" << rec.c
                      << "}\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "Parse fail (" << std::quoted(str) << ")\n";


Parse fail ("1234 0.000000000000D+001234")
Parse fail ("1234 7.654321000000D+001234")
{a:1234, b:0, c:1234}
Parse fail ("1234-7.654321000000D+001234")


qi::double_(和float_)实际上是qi::real_parser<double, qi::real_policies<double> >.


policies 是关键。它们管理接受何种格式的所有细节。

这是RealPolicies Expression Requirements

Expression Semantics
RP::allow_leading_dot Allow leading dot.
RP::allow_trailing_dot Allow trailing dot.
RP::expect_dot Require a dot.
RP::parse_sign(f, l) Parse the prefix sign (e.g. '-'). Return true if successful, otherwise false.
RP::parse_n(f, l, n) Parse the integer at the left of the decimal point. Return true if successful, otherwise false. If successful, place the result into n.
RP::parse_dot(f, l) Parse the decimal point. Return true if successful, otherwise false.
RP::parse_frac_n(f, l, n, d) Parse the fraction after the decimal point. Return true if successful, otherwise false. If successful, place the result into n and the number of digits into d
RP::parse_exp(f, l) Parse the exponent prefix (e.g. 'e'). Return true if successful, otherwise false.
RP::parse_exp_n(f, l, n) Parse the actual exponent. Return true if successful, otherwise false. If successful, place the result into n.
RP::parse_nan(f, l, n) Parse a NaN. Return true if successful, otherwise false. If successful, place the result into n.
RP::parse_inf(f, l, n) Parse an Inf. Return true if successful, otherwise false. If successful, place the result into n.


namespace policies {
    /* mandatory sign (or space) fixed widths, 'D+' or 'D-' exponent leader */
    template <typename T, int IDigits, int FDigits, int EDigits = 2>
    struct fixed_widths_D : qi::strict_ureal_policies<T> {
        template <typename It> static bool parse_sign(It& f, It const& l);

        template <typename It, typename Attr>
        static bool parse_n(It& f, It const& l, Attr& a);

        template <typename It> static bool parse_exp(It& f, It const& l);

        template <typename It>
        static bool parse_exp_n(It& f, It const& l, int& a);

        template <typename It, typename Attr>
        static bool parse_frac_n(It& f, It const& l, Attr& a, int& n);
} // namespace policies


  • 我保持属性类型通用。
  • 我的实现也是基于严格的 strict_urealpolicies 减少工作量。基础 class 没有 支持符号,并且需要一个强制性的小数分隔符 ('.'),这使得它“严格”并拒绝整数
  • 您的问题格式要求整数部分为 1 位数字,整数部分为 12 位数字 分数和 2 作为指数,但我没有硬编码,所以我们可以重用 其他固定宽度格式的策略(IDigitsFDigitsEDigits


bool parse_sign(f, l)


  • 前导 space 或 '+' 正数
  • 负数前导“-”


template <typename It> static bool parse_sign(It& f, It const&l)
    if (f != l) {
        switch (*f) {
        case '+':
        case ' ': ++f; break;
        case '-': ++f; return true;
    return false;

bool parse_n(f, l, Attr& a)


template <typename It, typename Attr>
static bool parse_n(It& f, It const& l, Attr& a)
    return qi::extract_uint<Attr, 10, IDigits, IDigits, false, true>::call(f, l, a);

bool parse_exp(f, l)

同样微不足道:我们总是需要 'D'

template <typename It> static bool parse_exp(It& f, It const& l)
    if (f == l || *f != 'D')
        return false;
    return true;

bool parse_exp_n(f, l, int& a)

至于指数,我们希望它是固定宽度的,这意味着符号是 强制的。因此,在提取宽度为 2 (EDigits) 的有符号整数之前,我们确保 标志存在:

template <typename It>
static bool parse_exp_n(It& f, It const& l, int& a)
    if (f == l || !(*f == '+' || *f == '-'))
        return false;
    return qi::extract_int<int, 10, EDigits, EDigits>::call(f, l, a);

bool parse_frac_n(f, l, Attr&, int& a)

问题的实质,也是在现有解析器上构建的原因。 小数位可以被认为是整数,但由于以下原因存在问题 前导零是重要的以及数字的总数可能 超过我们选择的任何整数类型的容量。

所以我们做了一个“技巧”——我们解析一个无符号整数,但忽略任何多余的 不合适的精度:实际上我们只关心位数。我们 然后检查这个数字是否符合预期:FDigits.

然后,我们移交给基础 class 实现来实际计算 对于任何通用数字类型T(满足 最低限度 要求).

template <typename It, typename Attr>
static bool parse_frac_n(It& f, It const& l, Attr& a, int& n)
    It savef = f;

    if (qi::extract_uint<Attr, 10, FDigits, FDigits, true, true>::call(f, l, a)) {
        n = static_cast<int>(std::distance(savef, f));
        return n == FDigits;
    return false;



template <typename T>
using X19_type = qi::real_parser<T, policies::fixed_widths_D<T, 1, 12, 2>>;

现在您的代码按预期运行:Live On Coliru

template <typename T>
using X19_type = qi::real_parser<T, policies::fixed_widths_D<T, 1, 12, 2>>;

int main() {
    using It = std::string::const_iterator;
    using namespace qi::labels;

    qi::uint_parser<uint16_t, 10, 4, 4> i4;
    X19_type<double>                    x19;

    qi::rule<It, double()> X19 = x19 //
        | qi::repeat(19)[' '] >> qi::attr(0.0);

    for (std::string const str : {
             "1234                   1234",
             "1234 0.000000000000D+001234",
             "1234 7.065432100000D+001234",
             "1234 0.065432100000D+031234",
             "1234 0.065432100000D-301234",
         }) {

        It f = str.cbegin(), l = str.cend();

        RECORD rec;
        if (qi::parse(f, l, (i4 >> X19 >> i4), rec)) {
            std::cout << "{a:" << rec.a << ", b:" << std::setprecision(12)
                      << rec.b << ", c:" << rec.c << "}\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "Parse fail (" << std::quoted(str) << ")\n";


{a:1234, b:0, c:1234}
{a:1234, b:0, c:1234}
{a:1234, b:7.0654321, c:1234}
{a:1234, b:-7.00654321, c:1234}
{a:1234, b:65.4321, c:1234}
{a:1234, b:6.54321e-32, c:1234}


现在,可以以超过 double 的精度。而且转换总是有问题 十进制数到不精确的二进制表示。展示如何选择 因为泛型 T 已经满足了这一点,让我们用一个 decimal 类型实例化 允许 64 位有效的十进制小数位:

Live On Coliru

using Decimal = boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_100;

struct RECORD {
    uint16_t a{};
    Decimal  b{};
    uint16_t c{};

template <typename T>
using X71_type = qi::real_parser<T, policies::fixed_widths_D<T, 1, 64, 2>>;

int main() {
    using It = std::string::const_iterator;
    using namespace qi::labels;

    qi::uint_parser<uint16_t, 10, 4, 4> i4;
    X71_type<Decimal>                   x71;

    qi::rule<It, Decimal()> X71 = x71 //
        | qi::repeat(71)[' '] >> qi::attr(0.0);

    for (std::string const str : {
             "1234                                                                       6789",
             "2345 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000D+006789",
             "3456 7.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000654321D+006789",
             "5678 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000654321D+036789",
             "6789 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000654321D-306789",
         }) {

        It f = str.cbegin(), l = str.cend();

        RECORD rec;
        if (qi::parse(f, l, (i4 >> X71 >> i4), rec)) {
            std::cout << "{a:" << rec.a << ", b:" << std::setprecision(65)
                      << rec.b << ", c:" << rec.c << "}\n";
        } else {
            std::cout << "Parse fail (" << std::quoted(str) << ")\n";


{a:2345, b:0, c:6789}
{a:3456, b:7.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000654321, c:6789}
{a:4567, b:-7.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000654321, c:6789}
{a:5678, b:6.54321e-56, c:6789}
{a:6789, b:6.54321e-89, c:6789}

Compare how using a binary long double representation would have lost accuracy here:

{a:2345, b:0, c:6789}
{a:3456, b:7, c:6789}
{a:4567, b:-7, c:6789}
{a:5678, b:6.5432100000000000002913506043764438647482181234694313277925965188e-56, c:6789}
{a:6789, b:6.5432100000000000000601529073044049029207066886931600941449474131e-89, c:6789}


在当前的 RECORD 中,缺失的双打被默认为 0.0。这可能不是最好的:

struct RECORD {
    uint16_t          a{};
    optional<Decimal> b{};
    uint16_t          c{};

// ...

qi::rule<It, optional<Decimal>()> X71 = x71 //
    | qi::repeat(71)[' '];

现在输出是 Live On Coliru:

{a:1234, b:--, c:6789}
{a:2345, b: 0, c:6789}
{a:3456, b: 7.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000654321, c:6789}
{a:4567, b: -7.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000654321, c:6789}
{a:5678, b: 6.54321e-56, c:6789}
{a:6789, b: 6.54321e-89, c:6789}



请记住,您仍然需要适当的单元测试,例如X19_type。思考 在所有边缘情况中,您可以 encounter/want 到 accept/want 拒绝:

  • 我没有更改任何处理 Inf 或 NaN 的基本策略,所以你 可能想要缩小这些差距
  • 你可能真的想接受 " 3.141 ", " .999999999999D+0 "等?

所有这些都是对政策的非常简单的更改,但是,如您所知,代码 没有测试就坏了。