计算 Swift 中字典中值的出现次数
Count occurrences of values in dictionaries in Swift
import Foundation
func countOccurance(topics: [String : [String]], reviews: [String]) -> [String : Int] {
var count: [String: Int] = [:]
for (topicKeys, topicValues) in topics {
for key in topicKeys {
for val in topicValues {
if reviews.contains(val) {
// count += 1
count["\(key)"]! += 1
return count
let topics = [
"price" : ["cheap", "expensive", "price"],
"business" : ["small", "medium", "large"]
let reviews = "large company with expensive items. Some are very cheap"
let result = countOccurance(topics: topics, reviews: [reviews])
for (key,value) in result.enumerated() {
print("\(key) : \(value)")
我想要 return 以下格式的字典。
- 将每条评论拆分为单独的单词。
- 创建一个字典,以评论词为键,以频率为值。
- 遍历每个主题,然后遍历该主题中的每个关键字。
- 如果关键字在
中,获取出现次数并将其添加到 count
- Return 包含主题及其频率的字典结果。
func countOccurance(topics: [String: [String]], reviews: [String]) -> [String : Int] {
var reviewsDict: [String: Int] = [:]
for review in reviews {
let reviewWords = review.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.letters.inverted)
for word in reviewWords {
guard !word.isEmpty else { continue }
reviewsDict[word.lowercased(), default: 0] += 1
var count: [String: Int] = [:]
for (topic, topicKeywords) in topics {
for topicKeyword in topicKeywords {
guard let occurrences = reviewsDict[topicKeyword] else { continue }
count[topic, default: 0] += occurrences
return count
0 : (key: "price", value: 2)
1 : (key: "business", value: 1)
另一方面,如果您将问题分解为更小、更简单、通用的步骤,则可以利用现有的 API。以下是我的操作方法:
不知道大家对Sequence APIs的熟悉程度,所以补充了一些意见。当然,你应该从你的真实代码中删除这些。
extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
typealias Histogram = [Element: Int]
func histogram() -> Histogram { // I really with this was built-in :(
reduce(into: [:]) { acc, word in acc[word, default: 0] += 1 }
let topics = [
"price" : ["cheap", "expensive", "price"],
"business" : ["small", "medium", "large"]
// Invert the "topics" dictionary, to obtain a dictionary that can tell you what topic a keyword belongs to.
let topicsByKeyword = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:
topics.lazy.flatMap { topic, keywords in
keywords.map { keyword in (key: keyword, value: topic) }
let reviews = ["large company with expensive items. Some are very cheap"]
let reviewWords = reviews
.flatMap { [=10=].components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.letters.inverted) } // Get a flat array of all words in all reviews
.filter { ![=10=].isEmpty } // Filter out the empty words
.map { [=10=].lowercased() } // Lowercase them all
let reviewTopicKeywords = reviewWords
.compactMap { word in topicsByKeyword[word] } // Map words to the topics they represent
let reviewTopicKeywordCounts = reviewTopicKeywords.histogram() // Count the occurrences of the keywords, which is our final result.
import Foundation
extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
typealias Histogram = [Element: Int]
func histogram() -> Histogram {
reduce(into: [:]) { acc, word in acc[word, default: 0] += 1 }
struct TopicKeywordCounter {
let topicsByKeyword: [String: String]
init(keywordsByTopic: [String: [String]]) {
// Invert the "topics" dictionary, to obtain a dictionary that can tell you what topic a keyword belongs to.
self.topicsByKeyword = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:
keywordsByTopic.lazy.flatMap { topic, keywords in
keywords.map { keyword in (key: keyword, value: topic) }
public func countOccurances(in reivews: [String]) -> [String: Int] {
let allReviewTopicKeywords = reivews.flatMap { review -> [String] in
let reviewWords = allSanitzedWords(in: review)
let reviewKeywords = mapWordsToTopics(from: reviewWords)
return reviewKeywords
return allReviewTopicKeywords.histogram()
private func allSanitzedWords(in review: String) -> [String] {
.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.letters.inverted)
.filter { ![=11=].isEmpty }
.map { [=11=].lowercased() }
private func mapWordsToTopics(from words: [String]) -> [String] {
words.compactMap { topicsByKeyword[[=11=]] }
// Make your TopicKeywordCounter
let topicKeywordCounter = TopicKeywordCounter(keywordsByTopic: [
"price" : ["cheap", "expensive", "price"],
"business" : ["small", "medium", "large"]
let reviews = ["large company with expensive items. Some are very cheap"]
// ...then use it for any arrays of you reviews you want
let reviewTopicKeywordCounts = topicKeywordCounter.countOccurances(in: reviews)
import Foundation
func countOccurance(topics: [String : [String]], reviews: [String]) -> [String : Int] {
var count: [String: Int] = [:]
for (topicKeys, topicValues) in topics {
for key in topicKeys {
for val in topicValues {
if reviews.contains(val) {
// count += 1
count["\(key)"]! += 1
return count
let topics = [
"price" : ["cheap", "expensive", "price"],
"business" : ["small", "medium", "large"]
let reviews = "large company with expensive items. Some are very cheap"
let result = countOccurance(topics: topics, reviews: [reviews])
for (key,value) in result.enumerated() {
print("\(key) : \(value)")
我想要 return 以下格式的字典。 示例输出 { “价格”:2 “业务”:1 }
- 将每条评论拆分为单独的单词。
- 创建一个字典,以评论词为键,以频率为值。
- 遍历每个主题,然后遍历该主题中的每个关键字。
- 如果关键字在
的出现次数中。 - Return 包含主题及其频率的字典结果。
func countOccurance(topics: [String: [String]], reviews: [String]) -> [String : Int] {
var reviewsDict: [String: Int] = [:]
for review in reviews {
let reviewWords = review.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.letters.inverted)
for word in reviewWords {
guard !word.isEmpty else { continue }
reviewsDict[word.lowercased(), default: 0] += 1
var count: [String: Int] = [:]
for (topic, topicKeywords) in topics {
for topicKeyword in topicKeywords {
guard let occurrences = reviewsDict[topicKeyword] else { continue }
count[topic, default: 0] += occurrences
return count
0 : (key: "price", value: 2) 1 : (key: "business", value: 1)
另一方面,如果您将问题分解为更小、更简单、通用的步骤,则可以利用现有的 API。以下是我的操作方法:
不知道大家对Sequence APIs的熟悉程度,所以补充了一些意见。当然,你应该从你的真实代码中删除这些。
extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
typealias Histogram = [Element: Int]
func histogram() -> Histogram { // I really with this was built-in :(
reduce(into: [:]) { acc, word in acc[word, default: 0] += 1 }
let topics = [
"price" : ["cheap", "expensive", "price"],
"business" : ["small", "medium", "large"]
// Invert the "topics" dictionary, to obtain a dictionary that can tell you what topic a keyword belongs to.
let topicsByKeyword = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:
topics.lazy.flatMap { topic, keywords in
keywords.map { keyword in (key: keyword, value: topic) }
let reviews = ["large company with expensive items. Some are very cheap"]
let reviewWords = reviews
.flatMap { [=10=].components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.letters.inverted) } // Get a flat array of all words in all reviews
.filter { ![=10=].isEmpty } // Filter out the empty words
.map { [=10=].lowercased() } // Lowercase them all
let reviewTopicKeywords = reviewWords
.compactMap { word in topicsByKeyword[word] } // Map words to the topics they represent
let reviewTopicKeywordCounts = reviewTopicKeywords.histogram() // Count the occurrences of the keywords, which is our final result.
import Foundation
extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
typealias Histogram = [Element: Int]
func histogram() -> Histogram {
reduce(into: [:]) { acc, word in acc[word, default: 0] += 1 }
struct TopicKeywordCounter {
let topicsByKeyword: [String: String]
init(keywordsByTopic: [String: [String]]) {
// Invert the "topics" dictionary, to obtain a dictionary that can tell you what topic a keyword belongs to.
self.topicsByKeyword = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:
keywordsByTopic.lazy.flatMap { topic, keywords in
keywords.map { keyword in (key: keyword, value: topic) }
public func countOccurances(in reivews: [String]) -> [String: Int] {
let allReviewTopicKeywords = reivews.flatMap { review -> [String] in
let reviewWords = allSanitzedWords(in: review)
let reviewKeywords = mapWordsToTopics(from: reviewWords)
return reviewKeywords
return allReviewTopicKeywords.histogram()
private func allSanitzedWords(in review: String) -> [String] {
.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.letters.inverted)
.filter { ![=11=].isEmpty }
.map { [=11=].lowercased() }
private func mapWordsToTopics(from words: [String]) -> [String] {
words.compactMap { topicsByKeyword[[=11=]] }
// Make your TopicKeywordCounter
let topicKeywordCounter = TopicKeywordCounter(keywordsByTopic: [
"price" : ["cheap", "expensive", "price"],
"business" : ["small", "medium", "large"]
let reviews = ["large company with expensive items. Some are very cheap"]
// ...then use it for any arrays of you reviews you want
let reviewTopicKeywordCounts = topicKeywordCounter.countOccurances(in: reviews)