
Check if collisions detected on one background were the same collisions on the second background

我很难比较发生在不同背景下的两次碰撞。 〗 〗

我正在尝试在 Pygame 中制作一个“记忆”游戏。基本上,您必须在第一个背景上击中一个气球,然后在第二个背景上击中相同的气球。如果您击中了相同的气球,您的分数会增加 1 分,如果您没有击中,则会出现一些文本 - “你输了!”(调用一个函数来显示文本)并且游戏应该结束。每次迭代后击中气球的数量也会更新 - 首先你击中 1 个气球(在第一个背景上),然后 1 个(在第二个背景上),然后 2 个(在第一个背景上),然后 2 个(在第二个背景上)等等,直到你击中所有 7 个气球。如果您仍然感到困惑,可以参考。本质上,我试图比较在第一个背景上击中的气球在第二个背景上是否相同。可以参考这里

我为每个背景制作了一个列表,其中附加了每次被击中的气球。然后,我比较 2 个列表(scene_1_balloons_poppedscene_2_balloons_popped),看看内容是否相同。 我的问题是,如果我在第一个背景上击中不同的气球,它会显示“你输了!”文字,我不明白为什么。



        for b in range(min(len(scene_1_balloons_popped), len(scene_2_balloons_popped))):
            if scene_1_balloons_popped[b] != scene_2_balloons_popped[b]:
                number_incorrect += 1
        if number_incorrect > 0:
            number_incorrect = 0
        elif len(scene_1_balloons_popped) == len(scene_2_balloons_popped):
            score += 1
            scene_1_balloons_popped = []
            scene_2_balloons_popped = []

本质上,我是在检查两个列表的长度是否相同。 顺便说一句,碰撞本身检测正确。

这是我的完整程序 - 注意 check_collisions 函数和游戏循环 (while running:).

import pygame
import random as r
import sys


myfont = pg.font.SysFont('arial black', 30)

bg = pg.image.load('bg.jpg')# Background Image #
bg = pg.transform.scale(bg, (688,387))
new_bg = pg.image.load('new_bg.jpg')
new_bg = pg.transform.scale(new_bg, (688,387))

radius = 30
diameter = 2 * radius

num_balloons = 7
num_hits = 0
iterator = -1

num_balloon_list = [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7]
balloon_list_index = 0
scene_1_balloons_popped = []
scene_2_balloons_popped = []
number_of_balloons_popped = 0

def create_balloons():
    global balloon_list
    global colors

    for i in range(num_balloons):
        while True:
            candidate = r.randint(0, 500)
            if all(abs(candidate-x) >= diameter for x in balloon_list):

def draw_balloons(y):
    for i in range(num_balloons):
        screen.blit(colors[i], (balloon_list[i] , y-50))

def check_collisions(x, y):
    global hit_var, hit, score, scoretext, bg_bool
    global num_balloon_list, balloon_list_index, num_hits
    global num_balloons, new_hit_var
    global balloon_hit, game_over, number_of_balloons_popped 
    for i in range(num_balloons):
        gun_rect = gun.get_rect(topleft = (x,y))
        gun_mask = pg.mask.from_surface(gun)

        balloon_rect = colors[i].get_rect(topleft = (balloon_list[i], y-100))
        balloon_mask = pg.mask.from_surface(colors[i])

        offset = (balloon_rect.x - gun_rect.x), (balloon_rect.y - gun_rect.y)
        if gun_mask.overlap(balloon_mask, offset):
            hit = True
            num_balloons -= 1
            num_hits += 1
            number_of_balloons_popped += 1
            num_hits_needed = num_balloon_list[balloon_list_index]
            game_end = balloon_list_index == len(num_balloon_list) - 1
            if num_hits == num_hits_needed and not game_end:
                num_balloons += num_hits
                num_hits = 0
                balloon_list_index += 1
                bg_bool = not bg_bool
            if bg_bool == True:
            elif bg_bool == False:


def you_lost():
    youlost = myfont.render("YOU LOST!", 1, (0,0,0))
    message = myfont.render("Improve your memory", 1, (0,0,0))
    screen.blit(youlost, (300, 300))
    screen.blit(message, (300, 500))

# Vars #
x = 0
y = 250
velocity = 5
score = 0
hit = False
bg_bool = False
testvar1 = True
clock = pg.time.Clock()

screen = pg.display.set_mode((688 ,387)) # Size of the screen #
caption = pg.display.set_caption("Remember") # Title of the window #

balloon_list = []
b1 = pg.image.load('balloons/1.png').convert_alpha()
b1 = pg.transform.scale(b1, (63,131))
b2 = pg.image.load('balloons/2.png').convert_alpha()
b2 = pg.transform.scale(b2, (63,131))
b3 = pg.image.load('balloons/3.png').convert_alpha()
b3 = pg.transform.scale(b3, (63,131))
b4 = pg.image.load('balloons/4.png').convert_alpha()
b4 = pg.transform.scale(b4, (63,131))
b5 = pg.image.load('balloons/5.png').convert_alpha()
b5 = pg.transform.scale(b5, (63,131))
b6 = pg.image.load('balloons/6.png').convert_alpha()
b6 = pg.transform.scale( b6, (63,131))
b7 = pg.image.load('balloons/7.png').convert_alpha()
b7 = pg.transform.scale(b7, (63,131))
colors = [b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7]

gun = pg.image.load('game-gun.png').convert_alpha()
gun = pg.transform.scale(gun, (150,150))


pg.display.flip() # Updating #

running = True # Game loop bool #

while running: # Game loop #
    scoretext = myfont.render("SCORE: "+str(score), 1, (0,0,0))
    if bg_bool == False:
        screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))
        screen.blit(scoretext, (5, 10))

    elif bg_bool == True:
        screen.blit(new_bg, (0,0))
        screen.blit(scoretext, (5, 10))

    if hit == True:
        hit = False

    if len(scene_1_balloons_popped) > 0 and len(scene_2_balloons_popped) > 0:
        for b in range(min(len(scene_1_balloons_popped), len(scene_2_balloons_popped))):
            if scene_1_balloons_popped[b] != scene_2_balloons_popped[b]:
                score += 1
    for event in pg.event.get():
        if event.type == pg.QUIT:
        if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE:
                running = False
            if event.key == pg.K_SPACE:
                check_collisions(x, y)

    keys = pg.key.get_pressed()
    x += keys[pg.K_RIGHT] - keys[pg.K_LEFT] * velocity
    x -= keys[pg.K_LEFT] - keys[pg.K_RIGHT] * velocity

    screen.blit(gun, (x, y))

您可以在这里下载图片:See images on REPL


场景一:如果我先打了一个红气球,它进入了下一个背景,我应该再打一次红气球。如果我做对了,我得到 1 分。我现在回到第一个背景,我有两个点击。我点击了橙色气球,然后是蓝色气球,然后背景发生了变化。现在,在第二个屏幕上,我点击了橙色气球,然后是红色气球。出现“你输了”的文字是因为我没有像以前那样打同样的气球。

场景2:我先打了蓝气球,然后在下一个背景又打了蓝气球。我得到1分。然后再次在第一个背景上,我点击了红色气球,然后是绿色气球。在下一个背景中,我再次击中了红色气球和绿色气球。我的分数又涨了1。我继续像以前一样击打相同的气球。我的最终分数是 7.



How can I properly check between two lists appended with collisions to see if the same balloon(s) was hit on both backgrounds?


在更改 bg_bool 之前基于 bg_bool 添加到 balloons_popped

if gun_mask.overlap(balloon_mask, offset):
    hit = True
    # Append to balloons_popped based on bg_bool...
    if bg_bool == False:                   # Add this
        scene_1_balloons_popped.append(i)  # Add this
    elif bg_bool == True:                  # Add this
        scene_2_balloons_popped.append(i)  # Add this
    # ...and then change bg_bool if reached num_hits_needed
    num_balloons -= 1
    num_hits += 1
    number_of_balloons_popped += 1
    num_hits_needed = num_balloon_list[balloon_list_index]
    game_end = balloon_list_index == len(num_balloon_list) - 1
    if num_hits == num_hits_needed and not game_end:
        num_balloons += num_hits
        num_hits = 0
        balloon_list_index += 1
        bg_bool = not bg_bool
    # if bg_bool == True:                    # Remove this
    #     scene_1_balloons_popped.append(i)  # Remove this
    # elif bg_bool == False:                 # Remove this
    #     scene_2_balloons_popped.append(i)  # Remove this



running = True
lost = False  # Add this



if hit == True:
    hit = False

    # Notice that the following block has been indented into `if hit == True`
    if len(scene_1_balloons_popped) > 0 and len(scene_2_balloons_popped) > 0:
        for b in range(min(len(scene_1_balloons_popped), len(scene_2_balloons_popped))):
            if scene_1_balloons_popped[b] != scene_2_balloons_popped[b]:
                # you_lost()  # Replace this
                lost = True   # with this
                break         #
            # else:                                                                    # Replace this
            #     score += 1                                                           #
        if not lost and len(scene_1_balloons_popped) == len(scene_2_balloons_popped):  # with this
            score += 1                                                                 #

if lost:        # Add this
    you_lost()  # Add this