以新的列名迭代合并 pandas 列

Iteratively merge panda columns with new column names


A= {'Name':['A','B','C'],'GPA':[4.0,3.80,3.70], 'School':['U','U','U'], 'Time':[22,26,30]}
A1 = pd.DataFrame(A)
B= {'Name':['D','E','F'],'GPA':[3.50,3.70,3.60], 'School':['S','S','S'],'Time':[34,44,54]}
B1 = pd.DataFrame(B)
C= {'Name':['G','H','I'],'GPA':[3.70,3.50,3.70], 'School':['C','C','C'],'Time':[76,86,96]}
C1 = pd.DataFrame(C)
L= [A1,B1,C1]
comb = A1
for ii in L[1:]:
    comb = pd.concat([comb,ii],ignore_index=True)

B = pd.merge(comb, comb, on=['Name','GPA'])
C = pd.merge(B, comb, on=['Name','GPA'])
D = pd.merge(C, comb, on=['Name','GPA'])

你看熊猫把School_x和School_y的名字重复了两次,有没有办法改成School_x和School_y,School_z和School_t。我不是在谈论之后重命名它,而是强制合并为不相同的列选择新的列名。否则如何区分具有 1000 列的数据框并想象 500 个具有相同的列名。


  for ii in list:
      df  = df.merge(A,on = 'some column', how = 'outer')


尝试将 suffixes 参数更改为 ('_z', '_t'):

B = pd.merge(comb, comb, on=['Name','GPA'])
C = pd.merge(B, comb, on=['Name','GPA'])
D = pd.merge(C, comb, on=['Name','GPA'], suffixes=('_z', '_t'))

>>> D
  Name  GPA School_x  Time_x School_y  Time_y School_z  Time_z School_t  Time_t
0    A  4.0        U      22        U      22        U      22        U      22
1    B  3.8        U      26        U      26        U      26        U      26
2    C  3.7        U      30        U      30        U      30        U      30
3    D  3.5        S      34        S      34        S      34        S      34
4    E  3.7        S      44        S      44        S      44        S      44
5    F  3.6        S      54        S      54        S      54        S      54
6    G  3.7        C      76        C      76        C      76        C      76
7    H  3.5        C      86        C      86        C      86        C      86
8    I  3.7        C      96        C      96        C      96        C      96

pd.merge 文档中所述:


suffixes: list-like, default is (“_x”, “_y”)

A length-2 sequence where each element is optionally a string indicating the suffix to add to overlapping column names in left and right respectively. Pass a value of None instead of a string to indicate that the column name from left or right should be left as-is, with no suffix. At least one of the values must not be None.

... ...


对于问题的最新更新,请尝试创建一个迭代器并使用 next

functools.reduce 更好:

from functools import reduce
from string import ascii_lowercase
it = iter(ascii_lowercase)
print(reduce(lambda x, y: pd.merge(x, y, on=['Name','GPA'], suffixes=('_' + next(it), '_' + next(it))), [comb for _ in range(4)]))


  Name  GPA School_a  Time_a School_b  Time_b School_e  Time_e School_f  Time_f
0    A  4.0        U      22        U      22        U      22        U      22
1    B  3.8        U      26        U      26        U      26        U      26
2    C  3.7        U      30        U      30        U      30        U      30
3    D  3.5        S      34        S      34        S      34        S      34
4    E  3.7        S      44        S      44        S      44        S      44
5    F  3.6        S      54        S      54        S      54        S      54
6    G  3.7        C      76        C      76        C      76        C      76
7    H  3.5        C      86        C      86        C      86        C      86
8    I  3.7        C      96        C      96        C      96        C      96

如您所见,我使用 [comb for _ in range(4)] 创建了一个列表理解,它将循环并合并 4 次,要更改次数只需更改数字即 [comb for _ in range(10)].


from functools import reduce
from string import ascii_lowercase
def cumulative_merge(df, n):
    it = iter(ascii_lowercase)
    return reduce(lambda x, y: pd.merge(x, y, on=['Name','GPA'], suffixes=('_' + next(it), '_' + next(it))), [comb for _ in range(n)])


print(cumulative_merge(df, 4))


  Name  GPA School_a  Time_a School_b  Time_b School_e  Time_e School_f  Time_f
0    A  4.0        U      22        U      22        U      22        U      22
1    B  3.8        U      26        U      26        U      26        U      26
2    C  3.7        U      30        U      30        U      30        U      30
3    D  3.5        S      34        S      34        S      34        S      34
4    E  3.7        S      44        S      44        S      44        S      44
5    F  3.6        S      54        S      54        S      54        S      54
6    G  3.7        C      76        C      76        C      76        C      76
7    H  3.5        C      86        C      86        C      86        C      86
8    I  3.7        C      96        C      96        C      96        C      96