
Will doing this particular merge delete the common commits instead of re-applying them?




What if X approved task 2 and merged it first then review task1 and merged it after? Remember that task 1 has no additional codes that task 2 has since it was the preceding task. To make more sense, think of it with task 2 as the Register functionality and task 1 as the basic setup. Basic setup branch won’t have the Register files since I didn’t write that functionality on task 1. If this task 1 branch is to be merged after task 2, wouldn’t it cancell out (delete) the register folder/file that got merged by task 2 from the first merge? How can we prevent this?


"If this task 1 branch is to be merged after task 2, wouldn’t it cancell out (delete) the register folder/file that got merged by task 2 from the first merge?"

AFAIK,如果 task2 合并到 master,它将占用连接它的整个路径直到 master 并将所有路径合并到 master.

task1 将只有 2 个未与 master 合并的提交(将这些斜线视为提交 ID)。如果我们之后合并task1,它应该不会有任何问题。

或者,如果 task#1 没有任何额外的提交,那么合并 task#1 不会导致任何问题,不是吗?

如果我们合并 task1,提交将不会被“取消”或“删除”。正确吗?


AFAIK, if task2 is merged to master, it'll take that entire path that connects it until master and merge all that to master.


o---o--------------M (master)
    \             /
     o---o---o---o (task2)
               o---o (task1)

task1 would only have 2 commits that aren't merged with master. If we merge task1 afterwards, it shouldn't have any problems whatsoever.

也正确。根据 task1 中的更改,可能存在一些合并冲突,但没有什么异常。生成的历史记录如下所示:

o---o--------------M---N (master)
    \             /   /
     o---o---o---o   / (task2)
              \     /
               o---o (task1)

Or, if task1 didn't have any extra commits then merging task1 wouldn't lead to any problems, wouldn't it?

没有。 Git 会从字面上告诉你 Already up-to-date. 然后就此结束。

It's not like commits will be "canceled out" or "deleted" if we merge task1. Correct?



If this task1 branch is to be merged after task2, wouldn’t it cancel out (delete) the register folder/file that got merged by task2 from the first merge? How can we prevent this?

当您进行合并时,Git 将与您正在合并的提交相关联的树与它们的第一个共同祖先(称为 merge base)进行比较。如果在合并一侧的提交之一中删除了共同祖先中存在的文件,那么是的,该文件将在生成的合并中删除。


o---o--------------M-----N (master)
    \             /     /
     o---o---o---o     / (task2)
         ^    \       /         
      foo.txt  o---o (task1)
            deletes foo.txt

如果 foo.txt 存在于 task2task1 之间的共同父级中,并且 task1 删除了它,那么 foo.txt 将在合并中删除提交 N。值得注意的是,如果 task2task1 的分叉点之后修改了 foo.txt,那么您将遇到合并冲突。

现在,如果 task2 创建了 foo.txt,合并 task1 不会在 master 中删除它,因为 foo.txttask1 中不存在:

o---o--------------M--------N (master)
    \             /        /
     o---o---o---o        / (task2)
              \  ^       /
               \ creates foo.txt
                \      /         
                 o---o (task1)

在这种情况下,foo.txt 将存在于合并提交中 N

如果您想知道合并两个分支后生成的树会是什么样子,可以使用 merge-tree 命令。例如:

git merge-tree $(git merge-base master task2) master task2

这将打印出合并 mastertask2 后生成的树中包含的文件的路径。