使用 .split 和 .includes Javascript 查找多个完整单词

Finding multiple whole words with .split and .includes with Javascript

我正在使用 javascript 和 html 开发一个简单的聊天机器人。下面的代码有效并使用 .split 来检查整个单词,但是,这意味着输入的任何内容都长于一个单词,例如“你好吗?”不再有效。如何改变这一点,使其允许多个单词,但仍然检查像“hi”这样的整个单词,这样它们就不会被更大的单词如“high”等选中。


var know = {
<!--General Phrases-->  
"Hi": "Hello! &#128075",
"Hey": "Hello! &#128075",
"Hello":"Hello &#128075 How can I help?",    
"how are you":"Not bad, thanks!",
"Bye":"Have a nice day!",
"Goodbye":"See you later!", 

"Help": `You can find help by searching below or by clicking <a href='https://www.page.com/news' target="_blank">here</a>`,
"contact":  `You can contact us by clicking <a href='https://www.page.com/contact' target="_blank">here</a>`,
"About": `You can find our About Us page by clicking <a href='https://www.page.com/about' target="_blank">here</a>` 

function goo() {
 var userBox = document.getElementById('userBox');
 var userInput = userBox.value;
 var chatLog = document.getElementById('chatLog');
 var chatLogContent = "";

 if (!userInput) {
     chatLogContent = ''

 var hasKeyword = false;

 for (var key in know) {
      if (userInput.toLowerCase()
      .replace(/[.,\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~ ()]/g,"")
      .includes(key.toLowerCase())) {
          hasKeyword = true;
      } else {
          hasKeyword = false;

if (hasKeyword) {
    chatLogContent += know[key] + "<br>"; //or use know.key
} else {
    chatLogContent += "No results found. Please enter another search term below.<br>";

var server = document.createElement('div');
server.setAttribute('class', 'server');
server.innerHTML = chatLogContent;
document.getElementById('chatLog').innerHTML = '';


var yourText = "how are you";
var youKeyRegexEscaped = "how are you"
yourText.match(new RegExp('(^|\s)'+youKeyRegexEscaped+'(\s|$)'))

Rexgex 解释:

(^|\s) -> begining of the string or space
(\s|$) -> space or end of string

要转义密钥,只需查看Is there a RegExp.escape function in JavaScript?