问题:使用工厂从 table 随机生成数据

Problem : randomly generate data from a table with a factory

我想从我的 garage table 中获取一个 随机 ID,所以我遇到了问题。


namespace Database\Factories;

use App\Models\Car;
use App\Models\Garage;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;

class CarFactory extends Factory
     * The name of the factory's corresponding model.
     * @var string
    protected $model = Car::class;

     * Define the model's default state.
     * @return array
    public function definition()
        return [
            'name' => $this->faker->name(),
            'release_year' => $this->faker->year(),
            'garage_id' => Garage::inRandomOrder('id')->first('id'),
            'created_at' => now()


PHP Deprecated: Since fakerphp/faker 1.14: Accessing property "name" is deprecated, use "name()" instead. in /data/www-local/web/lara_sites/swan-formation-laravel/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php on line 25 PHP Deprecated: Since fakerphp/faker 1.14: Accessing property "year" is deprecated, use "year()" instead. in /data/www-local/web/lara_sites/swan-formation-laravel/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php on line 25 Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'garage_id' cannot be null (SQL: insert into cars (name, release_year, garage_id, created_at, updated_at) values (Alf Bayer, 1994, ?, 2021-10-05 16:21:19, 2021-10-05 16:21:19))'

可以使用inRandomOrder方法对查询结果进行随机排序。 它没有参数,你可以像这样使用它:

 'garage_id' => Garage::inRandomOrder()->first()->id,

你应该确保你的车库 table 不是空的。


'garage_id' => $this->faker->randomElement(Garage::query()->get('id')),