证明中生成的奇怪目标“Some 0 = true”

Weird goal `Some 0 = true` generated in proof

考虑这个玩具 Coq 问题 (CollaCoq):

Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Require Import Unicode.Utf8.

Definition optfun (n: nat) : option nat :=
    match n with
    | 0 => Some 0
    | _ => None

Definition boolfun (n: nat) : bool :=
    match n with
    | 0 => true
    | _ => false

Lemma lem : ∀ n, isSome (optfun n) = boolfun n.
    intro. unfold optfun, boolfun. destruct n.

我的目标是在 optfun returns a Some 时让 boolfun 为真,并在引理中证明这一点。

然而,在给出证明步骤之后,当前的子目标是Some 0 = true

我认为这样的命题甚至不应该进行类型检查,因为我希望 Some 0option nat 类型,而 truebool 类型.为什么会这样?我的 optfunboolfunlem 有问题吗?

如果我们运行Set Printing Coercions.,我们可以看到标准库的所有implicit coercions in our expression (by default, Coq hides them). In our case, the goal turns into isSome (Some 0), because SSReflect adds a coercion between option and bool. By running Set Coercion Paths option bool., we see that isSome itself is the coercion in question (see this部分。