找到三个 'connected' 矩阵的最大最小值的最快方法

Fastest way to find the maximum minimum value of three 'connected' matrices

这个 中给出了两个矩阵的答案,但我不确定如何将此逻辑应用于三个成对连接的矩阵,因为没有 'free' 索引。我想最大化以下功能:

f(i, j, k) = min(A(i, j), B(j, k), C(i,k))

其中 ABC 是矩阵,ijk 是索引,范围最大为矩阵的各个维度。我想找到 (i, j, k) 使得 f(i, j, k) 最大化。我目前正在这样做:

import numpy as np
import itertools

I = 100
J = 150
K = 200

A = np.random.rand(I, J)
B = np.random.rand(J, K)
C = np.random.rand(I, K)

# All the different i,j,k
combinations = itertools.product(np.arange(I), np.arange(J), np.arange(K))
combinations = np.asarray(list(combinations))

A_vals = A[combinations[:,0], combinations[:,1]]
B_vals = B[combinations[:,1], combinations[:,2]]
C_vals = C[combinations[:,0], combinations[:,2]]

f = np.min([A_vals,B_vals,C_vals],axis=0)

best_indices = combinations[np.argmax(f)]

[ 49 14 136]

这比遍历所有 (i, j, k) 更快,但是很多(而且大部分)时间都花在构建 _vals 矩阵上。这很不幸,因为它们包含许多重复值,因为相同的 ijk 出现了多次。有没有一种方法可以做到这一点(1)可以保留 numpy 矩阵计算的速度,并且(2)我不必构建内存密集型 _vals 矩阵。

在其他语言中,您也许可以构造矩阵,使它们包含指向 ABC 的指针,但我不知道如何在 Python.


除了使用 itertools,您还可以使用重复和拼贴来“构建”组合:


并将它们传递给 np.min:

print((t:=np.argmax(np.min([A_,B_,C_],axis=0)) , t//(K*J),(t//K)%J, t%K,))

使用 timeit 重复 10 次代码大约需要 18 秒,而使用 numpy 只需大约 1 秒。

我们可以使用 numpy 广播对其进行暴力破解,或者尝试一些智能分支切割:

import numpy as np

def bf(A,B,C):
    I,J = A.shape
    J,K = B.shape
    return np.unravel_index((np.minimum(np.minimum(A[:,:,None],C[:,None,:]),B[None,:,:])).argmax(),(I,J,K))

def cut(A,B,C):
    gmx = min(A.min(),B.min(),C.min())
    I,J = A.shape
    J,K = B.shape
    Y,X = np.unravel_index(A.argsort(axis=None)[::-1],A.shape)
    for y,x in zip(Y,X):
        if A[y,x] <= gmx:
            return gamx
        curr = np.minimum(B[x,:],C[y,:])
        camx = curr.argmax()
        cmx = curr[camx]
        if cmx >= A[y,x]:
            return y,x,camx
        if gmx < cmx:
            gmx = cmx
            gamx = y,x,camx
    return gamx
from timeit import timeit

I = 100
J = 150
K = 200

for rep in range(4):
    A = np.random.rand(I, J)
    B = np.random.rand(J, K)
    C = np.random.rand(I, K)

    print("results identical",cut(A,B,C)==bf(A,B,C))
    print("brute force",timeit(lambda:bf(A,B,C),number=2)*500,"ms")
    print("branch cut",timeit(lambda:cut(A,B,C),number=10)*100,"ms")


trial 1
results identical True
brute force 169.74265850149095 ms
branch cut 1.951422297861427 ms
trial 2
results identical True
brute force 180.37619898677804 ms
branch cut 2.1000938024371862 ms
trial 3
results identical True
brute force 181.6371419990901 ms
branch cut 1.999850495485589 ms
trial 4
results identical True
brute force 217.75578951928765 ms
branch cut 1.5871295996475965 ms


我们选择一个数组(比如 A)并将其从大到小排序。然后我们一个一个地遍历数组,将每个值与其他数组中的适当值进行比较,并跟踪 运行 最小值的最大值。一旦最大值不小于 A 中的剩余值,我们就完成了。由于这通常很快就会发生,因此我们节省了大量资金。

建立在 的基础上 - 您可以通过使用 numba 获得轻微的加速 (~20%):

import numba
def find_gamx(A, B, C, X, Y, gmx):
    gamx = (0, 0, 0)
    for y, x in zip(Y, X):
        if A[y, x] <= gmx:
            return gamx
        curr = np.minimum(B[x, :], C[y, :])
        camx = curr.argmax()
        cmx = curr[camx]
        if cmx >= A[y, x]:
            return y, x, camx
        if gmx < cmx:
            gmx = cmx
            gamx = y, x, camx
    return gamx

def cut_numba(A, B, C):
    gmx = min(A.min(), B.min(), C.min())
    I, J = A.shape
    J, K = B.shape
    Y, X = np.unravel_index(A.argsort(axis=None)[::-1], A.shape)

    gamx = find_gamx(A, B, C, X, Y, gmx)
    return gamx

from timeit import timeit

I = 100
J = 150
K = 200

for rep in range(40):
    print("trial", rep + 1)
    A = np.random.rand(I, J)
    B = np.random.rand(J, K)
    C = np.random.rand(I, K)

    print("results identical", cut(A, B, C) == bf(A, B, C))
    print("results identical", cut_numba(A, B, C) == bf(A, B, C))
    print("brute force", timeit(lambda: bf(A, B, C), number=2) * 500, "ms")
    print("branch cut", timeit(lambda: cut(A, B, C), number=10) * 100, "ms")
    print("branch cut_numba", timeit(lambda: cut_numba(A, B, C), number=10) * 100, "ms")
trial 1
results identical True
results identical True
brute force 38.774325 ms
branch cut 1.7196750999999955 ms
branch cut_numba 1.3950291999999864 ms
trial 2
results identical True
results identical True
brute force 38.77167049999996 ms
branch cut 1.8655760999999993 ms
branch cut_numba 1.4977325999999902 ms
trial 3
results identical True
results identical True
brute force 39.69611449999999 ms
branch cut 1.8876490000000024 ms
branch cut_numba 1.421615300000001 ms
trial 4
results identical True
results identical True
brute force 44.338816499999936 ms
branch cut 1.614051399999994 ms
branch cut_numba 1.3842962000000014 ms