
How do I recode multiple variables from string to numeric?

我正在尝试将字符串变量(例如“None of the time”、“Some of the time”、“Often”...)中的多列数据重新编码为数值(例如“ None 次" = 0)。我已经看到许多对类似问题的不同回答,但是当我尝试这些时,他们似乎删除了所有数据并将其替换为 NA.

For_Analysis <- data.frame(Q11_1=c("None of the time", "Often", "Sometimes"),
 Q11_2=c("Sometimes", "Often", "Never"), Q11_3=c("Never", "Never", "Often"))

For_Analysis <- For_Analysis%>% 
  mutate_at(c("Q11_1", "Q11_2", "Q11_3"), 
            funs(recode(., "None of the time"=1,  "Rarely"=2,
                        "Some of the time"=3, "Often"=4, "All of the time"=5)))

当我 运行 这第二位代码时,我得到以下输出

## There were 14 warnings (use warnings() to see them)

并且数据框中的所有数据都被重新编码为 NA 而不是我想要的数值。

您收到错误消息,因为有些值不匹配。您也可以将 mutate_at 替换为 across.


For_Analysis <- For_Analysis%>% 
  mutate(across(starts_with('Q11'), ~recode(., "None of the time"=1,  "Rarely"=2,
                        "Sometimes"=3, "Often"=4, "All of the time"=5, "Never" = 1)))


#  Q11_1 Q11_2 Q11_3
#1     1     3     1
#2     4     4     1
#3     3     1     4

我冒昧地假设 "Never""None of the time" 相同并编码为 1.


For_Analysis <- data.frame(Q11_1=c("Never", "Often", "Sometimes"),
 Q11_2=c("Sometimes", "Often", "Never"), Q11_3=c("Never", "Never", "Often"))

New_Values <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Old_Values <- unique(For_Analysis$Q11_1)

For_Analysis[1:3] <- as.data.frame(sapply(For_Analysis[1:3],
                     mapvalues, from = Old_Values, to = New_Values))


将其转换为 factor 类型的变量,然后再转换为数字的最简单方法。


For_Analysis <- data.frame(Q11_1=c("None of the time", "Often", "Sometimes"),
                           Q11_2=c("Sometimes", "Often", "Never"), Q11_3=c("Never", "Never", "Often"))

fRecode = function(x) x %>% fct_inorder() %>% as.numeric()
For_Analysis %>% mutate_all(fRecode)


  Q11_1 Q11_2 Q11_3
1     1     1     1
2     2     2     1
3     3     3     2