如何在 React 应用程序中动态导入 moment.js(使用打字稿)

How to dynamically import moment.js in a react app (with typescript)

我正在尝试进行一些代码拆分,moment.js 是我想在单独的块中隔离的目标包之一。我是这样做的:

const myFn = async (currentNb) => {
   const moment = (await import('moment')).default()          
   const dateUnix: number = moment(currentNb).valueOf()

但我收到以下错误:this expression is not callable. Type Moment has no call signatures。所以我想我应该做类似 moment.valueOf(currentNb) 的事情,但我不太确定。有人可以对此有所了解吗?提前致谢


const {default: moment} = await import('moment')


The reason we need default is that since webpack 4, when importing a CommonJS module, the import will no longer resolve to the value of module.exports, it will instead create an artificial namespace object for the CommonJS module.