Netmiko read_channel() 和 Clear_buffer() 不打印输出

Netmiko read_channel() and Clear_buffer() not printing output

所以,我试图将一些配置自动推送到我的交换机,但这些命令通常 return 交换机中的 (y/n) 提示。因此,send_command 函数在查找提示时将不起作用,因此我使用的是完美运行的 write_channel() 函数。但是,出于某种原因,在我发送命令后,read_channel 和 clear_buffer() 函数打印的输出都不超过 1 行或 2 行。

将 read_channel/buffer 置于慢循环中。
send_command 与 cmd_verify=False 和 auto_find_prompt=False
打印 read_channel
和更多。 . .

send_command 可以毫无问题地显示输出,它的源代码使用 read_channel() 来推送输出,所以我不确定还能尝试什么。

目标:我需要从 cisco 交换机中的命令获取输出(在 001:00 中重新加载),这样我就可以告诉程序如何对提示做出反应。


from netmiko import ConnectHandler
import time

Network_Device = {
                "ip": "",
                "username": "user",
                "password": "pass",
                "secret": "secretpass",
                "device_type": "cisco_ios",
                "fast_cli": False
#Connect = ConnectHandler(**Network_Device)

with ConnectHandler(**Network_Device) as ssh:
    while True:
        x = input(ssh.find_prompt())
        if x == '':
        elif x == 'exit' or x == 'Exit':
            ssh.write_channel(x) # Writes command to cli

            #Problem lies on the two functions below:  Neither will print out a show command fully.


Yes, I want to reload dozen's of switches at approximately the same time for a dhcp update.

很明显,现在您想重新加载一堆开关。 reload 使用 Proceed with reload? [confirm] 提示您。所以你可以使用 expect_sting 参数来确认或拒绝重新加载。为此,最好在重新加载之前先保存配置,以免配置丢失。

A quick brief of how send_command works. send_command is pattern-based where it checks for the device prompt to know that the command output is done. On the other hand send_command_timing is delay-based meaning it waits for some time and doesn't check for anything to know if the command is done running or not.

from netmiko import ConnectHandler

device = {
    "device_type": "",
    "ip": "",
    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "secret": "",
    "conn_timeout": 12,
    "fast_cli": False,

conn = ConnectHandler(**device)

# Check if not logged into enable mode directly
# and enter enable mode if logged into user mode
if not conn.check_enable_mode():

conn.save_config()  # save configuration first
conn.send_command(command_string="reload", expect_string=r"confirm")

注意这里的 expect_string 通知 send_command 我完成了。


  1. 发送y确认重新加载(不鼓励)
  2. 调用 conn.disconnect() 确认重新加载并退出(首选)

Option 1 is discouraged because you will not be able to disconnect after confirming the reload and eventually an OSError or EOFError exception is raised that you will have to handle.


上面一行先发送一个\n,然后断开与设备的连接。这使您可以立即处理其他设备的重新加载,而不必处理任何引发的 OSErrorEOFError 异常。


from netmiko import ConnectHandler

device = {
    "device_type": "",
    "ip": "",
    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "secret": "",
    "conn_timeout": 12,
    "fast_cli": False,

conn = ConnectHandler(**device)

if not conn.check_enable_mode():


# Notice here the `expect_string` which informs 
# the `send_command` I am done. 
# I am telling `send_command` function don't look at 
# the device prompt but look for `"confirm"` to proceed 
# with the next command.
conn.send_command(command_string="reload", expect_string=r"confirm")


print(f'Reloading {device["ip"]}... Please wait for some time for {device["ip"]} to boot up again')

I didn't use the context manager method on purpose to make use of conn.disconnect() function.


根据 Kirk Byers (netmiko 的作者) 中的建议,建议在 [=19= 中添加 r"confirm" ] 并省略方括号。