为什么 Pandas ExcelWriter 会截断数据框的单元格内容?

Why Pandas ExcelWriter is truncating a dataframe's cell content?

数据框中的一个单元格值是一个很长的字符串。当 pandas 将其写入 excel sheet 时,该值将被截断。有什么理由吗?下面是我的代码片段。

excel_path = './{}_somename.xlsx'.format(name)
options = {'strings_to_formulas': False, 'strings_to_urls': False}
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(excel_path, engine='openpyxl', options=options)
for df_name, df in df_dict.items():
   df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=str(df_name), startrow=0, index=False)

单元格内的超长字符串示例:"asdasdas® aadsdas Psgdfgjj (4 hgjhj, 4r A77 @1.20 erer)|Ahjdks A7373X Hkjnksds (9 Djhks @ 1.50YUx)"。实际字符串可能有 10,000,000 个字符长。


Openpxyl writes Excel 2007 (.xlsx) files and these files have a 32,767 character limit per cell.

因此 10,000,000 个字符将永远无效。