material ui popover 和 popper 之间的核心区别是什么?有什么不同的用例吗?

What is the core difference between material ui popover and popper ? Any diff use cases?

Material UI 对于 React 开发人员来说,文档无疑是最接近完美的开源项目文档的,但是还有一些不清楚的事情,比如 Popover and Popper 之间的确切区别。有人可以简单地解释一下这两者之间的核心区别是什么吗??



Things to know when using the Popover component:

The component is built on top of the Modal component. The scroll and click away are blocked unlike with the Popper component.


Clicking away does not hide the Popper component. If you need this behavior, you can use ClickAwayListener - see the example in the menu documentation section.

PopOver 的行为更像模态,阻止用户 action/scroll 直到通过在其外部单击将其关闭。

Popper 只是一个弹出的东西,不会强加给用户任何东西,并且如果您点击离开,默认情况下不会消失,因此它对用户体验的干扰较小。