如何将 Redash hostservice 移动到我的 ec2?迁移脚本不起作用

How to move Redash hostservice to my ec2? Migration script is not working

Redash 将停止其托管服务 app.redash.io/****。我关注 this doc to standup an AWS EC2 instance from opensource AMI. First, redash-toolbelt seems installed but can't find redash-migrate. Then I cloned the repo and checked out the issue-5. The recommended migration 不适用于此 AMI。 pip install 找不到 peotry。

$ pip3 install peotry
Collecting peotry
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement peotry (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for peotry

是否有更好的方法将我的所有数据从 Redash 站点迁移到我的 EC2? (备份和恢复)我没有 Redash 托管站点的 CLI 访问权限。

我猜你打错了。应该是pip install poetry。你写的是诗。