自定义 bottomBanner 中未调用 NavigationServiceDelegate 方法

NavigationServiceDelegate methods are not being called in custom bottomBanner

我有一个符合 ContainerViewController

的自定义 bottomBanner class
class TurnByTurnBottomBannerControllerV3: ContainerViewController {
    func navigationService(_ service: NavigationService, didUpdate progress: RouteProgress, with location: CLLocation, rawLocation: CLLocation) {
        print("[==] didUpdate progress")

但是 didUpdate 没有被调用。我检查过 didUpdate 应该从这部分代码调用:

public func navigationService(_ service: NavigationService, didUpdate progress: RouteProgress, with
location: CLLocation, rawLocation: CLLocation) {
    //Check to see if we're in a tunnel.
    checkTunnelState(at: location, along: progress)
    //Pass the message onto our navigation components
    for component in navigationComponents {
        component.navigationService(service, didUpdate: progress, with: location, rawLocation:

它是从那个循环中调用的(其中一个组件是 TurnByTurnBottomBannerControllerV3),

(lldb) po navigationComponents
▿ 3 elements
  ▿ 0 : <MapboxNavigation.RouteMapViewController: 0x10b911a00>
  ▿ 1 : <MapboxNavigation.TopBannerViewController: 0x10b879e00>
  - 2 : <ProjectName.TurnByTurnBottomBannerControllerV3: 0x122e54170>


Mapbox Navigation SDK 有一个包含 public 示例的 repo,one of them 专门关于使用您自己的顶部和底部横幅。请查看该解决方案是否适合您。

原来我有一个名为 NavigationService 的 class 而 Xcode 只是没有以任何方式通知我它与图书馆冲突。