SQL使用 AsyncEngine 执行任何 SQL 查询时,Alchemy v1.4 ObjectNotExecutableError
SQLAlchemy v1.4 ObjectNotExecutableError when executing any SQL query using AsyncEngine
我正在使用 async_engine。当我尝试执行任何操作时:
async with self.async_engine.connect() as con:
query = "SELECT id, name FROM item LIMIT 50;"
result = await con.execute(f"{query}")
Exception has occurred: ObjectNotExecutableError
Not an executable object: 'SELECT id, name FROM item LIMIT 50;'
用户 @stilmaniac but it is now deleted from SO 之前曾问过这个问题。
我在 Google 搜索缓存中找到它,here is copy。
Base = declarative_base()
properties = Table(
'properties', Base.metadata,
# ...
Column('geolocation', Geography(geometry_type='POINT', srid=4326)),
# ...
engine = create_async_engine("postgresql+asyncpg://user:password@postgres/")
async with engine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(Base.metadata.create_all)
sqlalchemy.exc.ObjectNotExecutableError: Not an executable object: 'CREATE INDEX "idx_properties_geolocation" ON "properties" USING GIST ("geolocation")'
考虑到这个 doc
- OS: macOS 11.4 ARM
- SQLAlchemy:1.4.22
- Python: 3.6
'SELECT id, name FROM item LIMIT 50;'
不是可执行对象。要使其可执行,请用 sqlalchemy.text.
from sqlalchemy import text
async with self.async_engine.connect() as con:
query = "SELECT id, name FROM item LIMIT 50;"
result = await con.execute(text(query))
async.connection.execute 要求其语句参数
[...] is always an object that is in both the ClauseElement and
Executable hierarchies, including:
Insert, Update, Delete
TextClause and TextualSelect
DDL and objects which inherit from DDLElement
同步 connection.execute 方法允许原始字符串,但这在 SQLAlchemy 2.0 中已弃用并标记为删除。
我正在使用 async_engine。当我尝试执行任何操作时:
async with self.async_engine.connect() as con:
query = "SELECT id, name FROM item LIMIT 50;"
result = await con.execute(f"{query}")
Exception has occurred: ObjectNotExecutableError
Not an executable object: 'SELECT id, name FROM item LIMIT 50;'
用户 @stilmaniac but it is now deleted from SO 之前曾问过这个问题。
我在 Google 搜索缓存中找到它,here is copy。
Base = declarative_base()
properties = Table(
'properties', Base.metadata,
# ...
Column('geolocation', Geography(geometry_type='POINT', srid=4326)),
# ...
engine = create_async_engine("postgresql+asyncpg://user:password@postgres/")
async with engine.begin() as conn:
await conn.run_sync(Base.metadata.create_all)
sqlalchemy.exc.ObjectNotExecutableError: Not an executable object: 'CREATE INDEX "idx_properties_geolocation" ON "properties" USING GIST ("geolocation")'
考虑到这个 doc
- OS: macOS 11.4 ARM
- SQLAlchemy:1.4.22
- Python: 3.6
'SELECT id, name FROM item LIMIT 50;'
不是可执行对象。要使其可执行,请用 sqlalchemy.text.
from sqlalchemy import text
async with self.async_engine.connect() as con:
query = "SELECT id, name FROM item LIMIT 50;"
result = await con.execute(text(query))
async.connection.execute 要求其语句参数
[...] is always an object that is in both the ClauseElement and Executable hierarchies, including:
Insert, Update, Delete
TextClause and TextualSelect
DDL and objects which inherit from DDLElement
同步 connection.execute 方法允许原始字符串,但这在 SQLAlchemy 2.0 中已弃用并标记为删除。