Rails 6,无法让 s3_direct_upload gem 上传,查看正常

Rails 6, can not get s3_direct_upload gem to UPLOAD, view works fine

我有 2 个应用程序已从旧版本 Rails(3.2 和 4.2.1)重写到 Rails v6.1.4.1,它们都使用 s3_direct_upload gem.

在这两个应用程序上,我在 Webdev 控制台或 Rails 控制台或日志或我能找到的任何地方都没有收到任何错误。在两个应用程序的情况下,存储桶都显示得很好。
我检查了 CORS 设置,没问题。这两个应用程序目前都在 Heroku 上 运行,代码与现在相同,但正在运行。

有谁知道 s3_direct_upload gem 是否真的适用于 Rails 6?

我得到了文件 select window,我选择了文件名,它显示了文件名,但它并没有开始上传并显示进度条,就好像我什么也没做一样那一点。没有错误,没有任何我能找到的地方。当我并排放置原始应用程序时,我应该会看到一个快速进度条出现然后消失,页面刷新并显示新文件。在我重写的 2 个应用程序中,它永远不会通过文件 select 并显示我 select 编辑的文件名。我将展示一般文件,以便至少可以看到:

所以这是问题 1,s3_direct_upload gem 在 Rails 6 中工作吗?



S3DirectUpload.config do |c|
  c.access_key_id     = Rails.configuration.aws[:access_key_id]
  c.secret_access_key = Rails.configuration.aws[:secret_access_key]
  c.bucket            = Rails.configuration.aws[:bucket]
  c.region            = "ENV['AWS_REGION']"
  c.url               = "https://#{c.bucket}.s3.amazonaws.com/" 


require 'aws-sdk-v1'
# Rails.configuration.aws is used by AWS, Paperclip, and S3DirectUpload
Rails.configuration.aws = YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read("#{Rails.root}/config/aws.yml")).result)[Rails.env].symbolize_keys!
AWS.config(logger: Rails.logger)


  url:                  ":s3_domain_url",
  path:                 ":class/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename",
  storage:              :s3,
  s3_credentials:       Rails.configuration.aws,
  s3_permissions:       :private,
  s3_protocol:          "https",
  s3_region:            ENV["AWS_REGION"]


require 'aws-sdk-v1'
# Rails.configuration.aws is used by AWS, Paperclip, and S3DirectUpload
Rails.configuration.aws = YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read("#{Rails.root}/config/aws.yml")).result)[Rails.env].symbolize_keys!
AWS.config(logger: Rails.logger)

aws.yml(我将存储桶名称更改为 mybucket,图片有效所以我知道该存储桶有效)

defaults: &defaults
  <<: *defaults
  region: <%=ENV["AWS_REGION"]%> 
  bucket: "mybucket"
  access_key_id: <%=ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_DPFR"]%>
  secret_access_key: <%=ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY_DPFR"]%>
  <<: *defaults
  region: <%=ENV["AWS_REGION"]%> 
  bucket: "mybucket-test"
  region: <%=ENV["AWS_REGION"]%> 
  access_key_id: <%=ENV["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_DPFR"]%>
  secret_access_key: <%=ENV["AWS_SECRET_KEY_DPFR"]%>
  bucket: "mybucket"

以下是相关的 gem:(如果有人想查看整个 gem 文件,请告诉我)

gem 'paperclip-aws', '~> 1.6', '>= 1.6.8'
gem 'aws-sdk-v1', '~> 1.67'
gem 's3_direct_upload', '~> 0.1.7'

这里是相关的js s3_direct_upload.js.coffee。 (我什至尝试转换为 strait JS 与咖啡,但没有区别。警报就在那里,因为我想确定它正在读取文件并且它确实收到了警报。

#= require jQuery-fileupload/basic
#= require jQuery-fileupload/vendor/tmpl

alert("We are in the S3_Direct_Upload coffee file");

$ = jQuery

$.fn.S3Uploader = (options) ->

  # support multiple elements
  if @length > 1
    @each ->
      $(this).S3Uploader options

    return this

  $uploadForm = this

  settings =
    path: ''
    additional_data: null
    before_add: null
    remove_completed_progress_bar: true
    remove_failed_progress_bar: false
    progress_bar_target: null
    click_submit_target: null
    allow_multiple_files: true
    dropZone: null

  $.extend settings, options

  current_files = []
  forms_for_submit = []
  if settings.click_submit_target
    settings.click_submit_target.click ->
      form.submit() for form in forms_for_submit

  $wrapping_form = $uploadForm.closest('form')
  if $wrapping_form.length > 0
    $wrapping_form.off('submit').on 'submit', ->
      $wrapping_form.find('.s3_uploader input').prop "disabled", true

  setUploadForm = ->

      dropZone: settings.dropzone_target
      add: (e, data) ->
        file = data.files[0]
        file.unique_id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,16)

        unless settings.before_add and not settings.before_add(file)
          current_files.push data
          if $('#template-upload').length > 0
            data.context = $($.trim(tmpl("template-upload", file)))
            $(data.context).appendTo(settings.progress_bar_target || $uploadForm)
          else if !settings.allow_multiple_files
            data.context = settings.progress_bar_target
          if settings.click_submit_target
            if settings.allow_multiple_files
              forms_for_submit.push data
              forms_for_submit = [data]

      start: (e) ->
        $uploadForm.trigger("s3_uploads_start", [e])

      progress: (e, data) ->
        if data.context
          progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10)
          data.context.find('.bar').css('width', progress + '%')

      done: (e, data) ->
        content = build_content_object $uploadForm, data.files[0], data.result

        callback_url = $uploadForm.data('callback-url')
        if callback_url
          content[$uploadForm.data('callback-param')] = content.url

            type: $uploadForm.data('callback-method')
            url: callback_url
            data: content
            beforeSend: ( xhr, settings )       ->
              event = $.Event('ajax:beforeSend')
              $uploadForm.trigger(event, [xhr, settings])
              return event.result
            complete:   ( xhr, status )         ->
              event = $.Event('ajax:complete')
              $uploadForm.trigger(event, [xhr, status])
              return event.result
            success:    ( data, status, xhr )   ->
              event = $.Event('ajax:success')
              $uploadForm.trigger(event, [data, status, xhr])
              return event.result
            error:      ( xhr, status, error )  ->
              event = $.Event('ajax:error')
              $uploadForm.trigger(event, [xhr, status, error])
              return event.result

        data.context.remove() if data.context && settings.remove_completed_progress_bar # remove progress bar
        $uploadForm.trigger("s3_upload_complete", [content])

        current_files.splice($.inArray(data, current_files), 1) # remove that element from the array
        $uploadForm.trigger("s3_uploads_complete", [content]) unless current_files.length

      fail: (e, data) ->
        content = build_content_object $uploadForm, data.files[0], data.result
        content.error_thrown = data.errorThrown

        data.context.remove() if data.context && settings.remove_failed_progress_bar # remove progress bar
        $uploadForm.trigger("s3_upload_failed", [content])

      formData: (form) ->
        data = $uploadForm.find("input").serializeArray()
        fileType = ""
        if "type" of @files[0]
          fileType = @files[0].type
          name: "content-type"
          value: fileType

        key = $uploadForm.data("key")
          .replace('{timestamp}', new Date().getTime())
          .replace('{unique_id}', @files[0].unique_id)
          .replace('{cleaned_filename}', cleaned_filename(@files[0].name))
          .replace('{extension}', @files[0].name.split('.').pop())

        # substitute upload timestamp and unique_id into key
        key_field = $.grep data, (n) ->
          n if n.name == "key"

        if key_field.length > 0
          key_field[0].value = settings.path + key

        # IE <= 9 doesn't have XHR2 hence it can't use formData
        # replace 'key' field to submit form
        unless 'FormData' of window
          $uploadForm.find("input[name='key']").val(settings.path + key)

  build_content_object = ($uploadForm, file, result) ->
    content = {}
    if result # Use the S3 response to set the URL to avoid character encodings bugs
      content.url            = $(result).find("Location").text()
      content.filepath       = $('<a />').attr('href', content.url)[0].pathname
    else # IE <= 9 retu      rn a null result object so we use the file object instead
      domain                 = $uploadForm.find('input[type=file]').data('url')
      key                    = $uploadForm.find('input[name=key]').val()
      content.filepath       = key.replace('/{filename}', '').replace('/{cleaned_filename}', '')
      content.url            = domain + key.replace('/{filename}', encodeURIComponent(file.name))
      content.url            = content.url.replace('/{cleaned_filename}', cleaned_filename(file.name))

    content.filename         = file.name
    content.filesize         = file.size if 'size' of file
    content.lastModifiedDate = file.lastModifiedDate if 'lastModifiedDate' of file
    content.filetype         = file.type if 'type' of file
    content.unique_id        = file.unique_id if 'unique_id' of file
    content.relativePath     = build_relativePath(file) if has_relativePath(file)
    content = $.extend content, settings.additional_data if settings.additional_data

  cleaned_filename = (filename) ->
    filename.replace(/\s/g, '_').replace(/[^\w.-]/gi, '')

  has_relativePath = (file) ->
    file.relativePath || file.webkitRelativePath

  build_relativePath = (file) ->
    file.relativePath || (file.webkitRelativePath.split("/")[0..-2].join("/") + "/" if file.webkitRelativePath)

  #public methods
  @initialize = ->
    # Save key for IE9 Fix
    $uploadForm.data("key", $uploadForm.find("input[name='key']").val())


  @path = (new_path) ->
    settings.path = new_path

  @additional_data = (new_data) ->
    settings.additional_data = new_data


我尝试让 webpacker 服务器 JS 文件没有区别,我开始怀疑 s3_direct_upload gem 不适用于较新的 rails 因为那几乎是唯一的仍然存在差异,或者需要进行一些我在过去 3 天内找不到的配置更改。

任何帮助将不胜感激,除了图片上传之外,我还有其他所有工作都在这 2 个应用程序上工作。

谢谢, 斯科特

我可以确认您是否拉取了最新版本的 s3_direct_upload gem 它实际上使用 Rails 6、aws-sdk-v1 和 Paperclip 正确上传到 Amazon S3 .

为此,您必须将 s3_direct_upload 作为插件而不是 GEM 拉取,您可以将其放入 gem 文件中:

gem 's3_direct_upload', github: 'waynehoover/s3_direct_upload', ref: '6f6decc75fdf89888d7f729fc89f78e90d91cece'

他们修复了以 $utf8 开头的密钥的策略问题,该问题导致更新中出现 POST 错误 403 以及其他一些问题。据说要使用最新版本,您还必须在 file_field_tag.

data: { url: s3_uploader_url }

例如我的 file_field_tag 是这样设置的:(我使用 HAML)

= file_field_tag(:file, id: "before_photo", multiple: true, data: { url: s3_uploader_url })

使用 GIT 存储库中的最新版本并添加 data: 属性到 file_field_tag 后,它开始正常工作。正在上传到上传存储桶中的 Amazon S3。