
Is the automatic comparison in the Epoxy library based on DiffUtil?

我在查找有关 RecyclerView 的信息时遇到了 Epoxy library

Epoxy 是一个使 RecyclerView 更易于使用的库。


因为我用的RecyclerView是基于two view types的,而且这两项都是dynamically added/removed经常使用的(DiffUitl也是用的)

但是,在阅读 Epoxy library in Git 的描述时,


Additionally, Epoxy adds support for saving view state and automatic diffing of item changes.

我很好奇 automatic diffing 你在这里谈论的作品是基于什么。 是内部 DiffUtil 还是简单 notifyDatasetChanged()?


or simply notifyDatasetChanged()?

他们没有按照 documentation:

使用 notifyDatasetChanged()

Epoxy's automatic diffing to reduce the overhead, while also efficiently only updating the views that changed.

Is it DiffUtil internally

DiffUtil用于EpoxyControllerclass,但不用于EpoxyAdapterclassdocumentation 表示:

The Android Support Library class DiffUtil is used for diffing in EpoxyController. For legacy reasons, the older EpoxyAdapter uses a custom solution for diffing.

因此,在您仍在设计应用程序时,我希望您会使用 EpoxyController 而不是旧版 EpoxyAdapter;因此,DiffUtil 已被使用。

If it uses DiffUtil then I'm going to use Epoxy or I'll consider it
