当从 R 中的 zip 文件中读取数据时,它会破坏之前读取的数据

When reading in data from a zip-file in R, it corrupts the previous read-in data

我的目标是直接从 Web 读取 zip 文件 (opentransportdata.swiss)。每个 zip 文件包含多个 .txt 文件。在我的示例中,我试图检索 routes.txt 文件的数据。



# links
tt_url <- c("https://opentransportdata.swiss/de/dataset/7787e566-03cf-4cd5-8a66-b5af08547e74/resource/4bc9d75e-cdd7-4020-8ee1-9dd494ee8b4c/download/gtfsfp20162016-11-30.zip", 

# download zip files
f_get_data <- function(i, data){
  url <- tt_url[i]
  zip_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
  download.file(url, zip_file, mode = "wb")
  df <- read_delim(unzip(zip_file, files = data), delim = ",") %>%
    mutate(year = i + 2015)

test_1 <- f_get_data(1, "routes.txt")
test_2 <- f_get_data(2, "routes.txt")

如果第一次应用函数 f_get_data(1, "routes.txt),检索到的 df ,test_1 是正确的。

# A tibble: 6 × 8
  route_id    agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color  year
  <chr>       <lgl>     <chr>            <lgl>                <dbl> <lgl>       <lgl>            <dbl>
1 11-21-j16-1 NA        021              NA                       3 NA          NA                2016
2 11-22-j16-1 NA        022              NA                       3 NA          NA                2016
3 16-22-j16-1 NA        022              NA                       3 NA          NA                2016
4 11-25-j16-1 NA        025              NA                       3 NA          NA                2016
5 11-41-j16-1 NA        041              NA                       3 NA          NA                2016
6 11-42-j16-1 NA        042              NA                       3 NA          NA                2016

如果我使用 f_get_data(2, "routes.txt) 进入下一期,检索到的 df test_2 也是正确的。

但是,在我完成第二次迭代后,第一个 df test_1 会自行损坏:

> head(test_2)
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  route_id    agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_desc route_type  year
  <chr>       <chr>     <chr>            <lgl>           <chr>           <dbl> <dbl>
1 79-0-j17-1  881       00               NA              Bus               700  2017
2 11-61-j17-1 7031      061              NA              Bus               700  2017
3 11-62-j17-1 7031      062              NA              Bus               700  2017
4 24-64-j17-1 801       064              NA              Bus               700  2017
5 24-65-j17-1 801       065              NA              Bus               700  2017
6 24-66-j17-1 801       066              NA              Bus               700  2017

> head(test_1)
# A tibble: 6 × 8
  route_id             agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color  year
  <chr>                <lgl>     <chr>            <lgl>                <dbl> <lgl>       <lgl>            <dbl>
1 ",\"00\",\"\",\"Bus" NA        "00\"\r\n"       NA                      NA NA          NA                2016
2 "7031\",\"061\",\""  NA        "us\",\""        NA                      NA NA          NA                2016
3 "7-1\",\"7031\",\""  NA        ",\"\",\""       NA                      NA NA          NA                2016
4 "-64-j17-1\",\"8"    NA        "064"            NA                      NA NA          NA                2016
5 "\r\n\"24-65-j17-"   NA        "801\","         NA                      NA NA          NA                2016
6 "700\r\n24-66"       NA        "-1\",\""        NA                      NA NA          NA                2016


不能复制这个,虽然不是编码 tidyversish。也许试试我的代码。

> # links
> tt_url <- c("https://opentransportdata.swiss/de/dataset/7787e566-03cf-4cd5-8a66-b5af08547e74/resource/4bc9d75e-cdd7-4020-8ee1-9dd494ee8b4c/download/gtfsfp20162016-11-30.zip", 
+             "https://opentransportdata.swiss/de/dataset/587ecf41-eb18-448a-8073-7076bc3cbfeb/resource/e499a630-4e65-4e00-8522-26c5c78b88ca/download/gtfsfp20172017-12-06.zip")
> # download zip files
> f_get_data <- function(i, data) {
+   on.exit(unlink(temp))  ## don't forget to unlink your tempfiles!
+   temp <- tempfile(fileext='.zip')
+   url <- tt_url[i]
+   download.file(url, temp, mode = "wb")
+   df <- read.csv(unzip(temp, files=data)) |>
+     transform(year=i + 2015)
+   return(df)
+ }
> test_1 <- f_get_data(1, "routes.txt")
trying URL 'https://opentransportdata.swiss/de/dataset/7787e566-03cf-4cd5-8a66-b5af08547e74/resource/4bc9d75e-cdd7-4020-8ee1-9dd494ee8b4c/download/gtfsfp20162016-11-30.zip'
downloaded 26.1 MB

> head(test_1)
     route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color year
1 11-21-j16-1        NA              021              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
2 11-22-j16-1        NA              022              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
3 16-22-j16-1        NA              022              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
4 11-25-j16-1        NA              025              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
5 11-41-j16-1        NA              041              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
6 11-42-j16-1        NA              042              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
> test_2 <- f_get_data(2, "routes.txt")
trying URL 'https://opentransportdata.swiss/de/dataset/587ecf41-eb18-448a-8073-7076bc3cbfeb/resource/e499a630-4e65-4e00-8522-26c5c78b88ca/download/gtfsfp20172017-12-06.zip'
downloaded 81.1 MB

> head(test_2)
     route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_desc route_type year
1  79-0-j17-1       881               00              NA        Bus        700 2017
2 11-61-j17-1      7031              061              NA        Bus        700 2017
3 11-62-j17-1      7031              062              NA        Bus        700 2017
4 24-64-j17-1       801              064              NA        Bus        700 2017
5 24-65-j17-1       801              065              NA        Bus        700 2017
6 24-66-j17-1       801              066              NA        Bus        700 2017
> head(test_1)
     route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color year
1 11-21-j16-1        NA              021              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
2 11-22-j16-1        NA              022              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
3 16-22-j16-1        NA              022              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
4 11-25-j16-1        NA              025              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
5 11-41-j16-1        NA              041              NA          3          NA               NA 2016
6 11-42-j16-1        NA              042              NA          3          NA               NA 2016

问题是 read_delim() 函数的默认行为。为了提高性能,数据以惰性方式加载,这意味着仅在需要时才访问数据。
所以实际上“f_get_data”中的 return 值只是一个指向数据的指针。在这种情况下,它是您的临时文件的指针,每次调用该函数时都会被覆盖。

要解决此问题,请在 read_delim() 函数调用中将惰性设置为 FALSE

df <- read_delim(unzip(zip_file, files = data), delim = ",", lazy=FALSE) %>%
      mutate(year = i + 2015)