How to generate edge index after Delaunay triangulation?
我正在使用 Python 3.7。
我通过这些点生成 Delaunay 三角剖分。
import numpy as np
points = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1.1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1.5, 0.6], [1.2, 0.5], [1.7, 0.9], [1.1, 0.1]])
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
tri = Delaunay(points)
如何绘制新的 Delaunay 三角剖分(删除边缘后)?
[e1, (0,0),(1,0),e1_length], [e2, (0,0),(1,1),e2_length], ...
我们需要进行三个操作:将三角形从 Delaunay
对象转换为边集(删除重复项),计算每条边的长度和满足条件的 select 边。
def less_first(a, b):
return [a,b] if a < b else [b,a]
def delaunay2edges(tri):
list_of_edges = []
for triangle in tri.simplices:
for e1, e2 in [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]: # for all edges of triangle
list_of_edges.append(less_first(triangle[e1],triangle[e2])) # always lesser index first
array_of_edges = np.unique(list_of_edges, axis=0) # remove duplicates
list_of_lengths = []
for p1,p2 in array_of_edges:
x1, y1 = tri.points[p1]
x2, y2 = tri.points[p2]
list_of_lengths.append((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)
array_of_lengths = np.sqrt(np.array(list_of_lengths))
return array_of_edges, array_of_lengths
edges, lengths = delaunay2edges(tri)
按标准选择边(例如长度 > 0.5):
criterion = np.argwhere(lengths > 0.5).flatten()
selected_edges = edges[criterion]
print('Removed', len(edges) - len(selected_edges), 'edges')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.triplot(tri.points[:,0], tri.points[:,1], tri.simplices, color='red')
x_lines = []
y_lines = []
for p1,p2 in selected_edges:
x1,y1 = points[p1]
x2,y2 = points[p2]
plt.plot([x1,x2],[y1,y2], color='blue')
我正在使用 Python 3.7。 有一组点。 我通过这些点生成 Delaunay 三角剖分。
import numpy as np
points = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1.1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1.5, 0.6], [1.2, 0.5], [1.7, 0.9], [1.1, 0.1]])
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
tri = Delaunay(points)
如何删除超过边长阈值的边? 如何绘制新的 Delaunay 三角剖分(删除边缘后)? 我的想法是通过点生成边缘索引。喜欢,
[e1, (0,0),(1,0),e1_length], [e2, (0,0),(1,1),e2_length], ...
我们需要进行三个操作:将三角形从 Delaunay
对象转换为边集(删除重复项),计算每条边的长度和满足条件的 select 边。
def less_first(a, b):
return [a,b] if a < b else [b,a]
def delaunay2edges(tri):
list_of_edges = []
for triangle in tri.simplices:
for e1, e2 in [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0]]: # for all edges of triangle
list_of_edges.append(less_first(triangle[e1],triangle[e2])) # always lesser index first
array_of_edges = np.unique(list_of_edges, axis=0) # remove duplicates
list_of_lengths = []
for p1,p2 in array_of_edges:
x1, y1 = tri.points[p1]
x2, y2 = tri.points[p2]
list_of_lengths.append((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)
array_of_lengths = np.sqrt(np.array(list_of_lengths))
return array_of_edges, array_of_lengths
edges, lengths = delaunay2edges(tri)
按标准选择边(例如长度 > 0.5):
criterion = np.argwhere(lengths > 0.5).flatten()
selected_edges = edges[criterion]
print('Removed', len(edges) - len(selected_edges), 'edges')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.triplot(tri.points[:,0], tri.points[:,1], tri.simplices, color='red')
x_lines = []
y_lines = []
for p1,p2 in selected_edges:
x1,y1 = points[p1]
x2,y2 = points[p2]
plt.plot([x1,x2],[y1,y2], color='blue')