在unity 3d中找到最近的目标路径点
Find nearest waypoint to target in unity 3d
我正在开发像 Hitman Go 这样的游戏,当敌人因岩石或声音等发出警报时,我需要找到哪个 waypoints 最接近我的目标(特定路径点)
我为敌人设置了一些点,我的敌人在 waypoints ( 8 -> 6 -> 1-> 2-> 3-> 4-> 5 ) 之间巡逻,然后尊重他的路径。
所以,当我在 18 号路点扔石头时,我需要将敌人移动到这个路点,但要走最近的路。成像敌人可以是任何这个路点,当他得到警报时(8,6,1,2,3,4,5 点)。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class WaypointController : MonoBehaviour
public List<Transform> waypoints = new List<Transform>();
private Transform targetWaypoint;
private int targetWaypointIndex = 0;
private float minDistance = 0.1f;
private int lastWaypointIndex;
public bool reversePath;
// what easetype to use for iTweening
public iTween.EaseType easeType = iTween.EaseType.easeInOutExpo;
// how fast we move
public float moveSpeed = 1.5f;
// time to rotate to face destination
public float rotateTime = 0.5f;
// delay to use before any call to iTween
public float iTweenDelay = 0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
lastWaypointIndex = waypoints.Count - 1;
targetWaypoint = waypoints[targetWaypointIndex];
public void EnemyTurn()
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetWaypoint.position);
// move toward the destinationPos using the easeType and moveSpeed variables
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash(
"x", targetWaypoint.position.x,
"y", targetWaypoint.position.y,
"z", targetWaypoint.position.z,
"delay", iTweenDelay,
"easetype", easeType,
"speed", moveSpeed
void CheckDistanceToWaypoint(float currentDistance)
if (currentDistance <= minDistance)
void UpdateTargetWaypoint()
if (targetWaypointIndex > lastWaypointIndex)
if (reversePath)
targetWaypointIndex = 1;
targetWaypoint = waypoints[targetWaypointIndex];
因为你在评论中询问了非 A* 解决方案,我很无聊:)
朴素的 DFS 探路者,修剪非常简单。
蛮力和非常浪费内存和 CPU 明智。
对于类似于 Hitman Go / Lara Croft Go 的游戏 - 我会使用此代码而不是 navmesh / A*。
对于 RTS/FPS 或任何 AI 密集型游戏,我绝对不会使用此解决方案。
public class GridPathfinder
// Not thread safe
private int? _currentShortestPath;
/// <summary>
/// Finds shortest path from cell A to B
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Shortest found path; null if found no path.</returns>
public IList<Node> GetShortestPath(Node a, Node b)
_currentShortestPath = null;
return GetShortestPathInternal(a, b, new List<Node>());
private IList<Node> GetShortestPathInternal(Node @from, Node to, List<Node> currentPath)
// Sanity
if (currentPath.Contains(from))
return null;
// Prune
if (_currentShortestPath.HasValue && currentPath.Count + 1 >= _currentShortestPath)
return null;
if (from == to)
return currentPath;
// Check neighbors recursively
IList<Node> foundShortestPath = null;
foreach (var connectedCell in from.ConnectedCells)
var cellPath = GetShortestPathInternal(connectedCell, to, new List<Node>(currentPath));
if (cellPath == null || foundShortestPath != null && cellPath.Count >= foundShortestPath.Count)
foundShortestPath = cellPath;
// Update shortest path for future pruning
if (foundShortestPath != null && (!_currentShortestPath.HasValue || _currentShortestPath > foundShortestPath.Count))
_currentShortestPath = foundShortestPath.Count;
return foundShortestPath;
public class Node
private readonly HashSet<Node> _connectedCells = new HashSet<Node>();
public IEnumerable<Node> ConnectedCells => _connectedCells;
/// <summary>
/// Add a connection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toAdd">Node to add</param>
/// <param name="isTwoWay">Should add a connection from target node to this node</param>
public void AddConnection(Node toAdd, bool isTwoWay=true)
if (toAdd == null || toAdd == this)
throw new Exception("Invalid connection attempted");
// Attempt to add
if (!_connectedCells.Add(toAdd))
if (!isTwoWay) return;
我正在开发像 Hitman Go 这样的游戏,当敌人因岩石或声音等发出警报时,我需要找到哪个 waypoints 最接近我的目标(特定路径点)
我为敌人设置了一些点,我的敌人在 waypoints ( 8 -> 6 -> 1-> 2-> 3-> 4-> 5 ) 之间巡逻,然后尊重他的路径。 所以,当我在 18 号路点扔石头时,我需要将敌人移动到这个路点,但要走最近的路。成像敌人可以是任何这个路点,当他得到警报时(8,6,1,2,3,4,5 点)。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class WaypointController : MonoBehaviour
public List<Transform> waypoints = new List<Transform>();
private Transform targetWaypoint;
private int targetWaypointIndex = 0;
private float minDistance = 0.1f;
private int lastWaypointIndex;
public bool reversePath;
// what easetype to use for iTweening
public iTween.EaseType easeType = iTween.EaseType.easeInOutExpo;
// how fast we move
public float moveSpeed = 1.5f;
// time to rotate to face destination
public float rotateTime = 0.5f;
// delay to use before any call to iTween
public float iTweenDelay = 0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
lastWaypointIndex = waypoints.Count - 1;
targetWaypoint = waypoints[targetWaypointIndex];
public void EnemyTurn()
float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetWaypoint.position);
// move toward the destinationPos using the easeType and moveSpeed variables
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash(
"x", targetWaypoint.position.x,
"y", targetWaypoint.position.y,
"z", targetWaypoint.position.z,
"delay", iTweenDelay,
"easetype", easeType,
"speed", moveSpeed
void CheckDistanceToWaypoint(float currentDistance)
if (currentDistance <= minDistance)
void UpdateTargetWaypoint()
if (targetWaypointIndex > lastWaypointIndex)
if (reversePath)
targetWaypointIndex = 1;
targetWaypoint = waypoints[targetWaypointIndex];
因为你在评论中询问了非 A* 解决方案,我很无聊:)
朴素的 DFS 探路者,修剪非常简单。 蛮力和非常浪费内存和 CPU 明智。
对于类似于 Hitman Go / Lara Croft Go 的游戏 - 我会使用此代码而不是 navmesh / A*。
对于 RTS/FPS 或任何 AI 密集型游戏,我绝对不会使用此解决方案。
public class GridPathfinder
// Not thread safe
private int? _currentShortestPath;
/// <summary>
/// Finds shortest path from cell A to B
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Shortest found path; null if found no path.</returns>
public IList<Node> GetShortestPath(Node a, Node b)
_currentShortestPath = null;
return GetShortestPathInternal(a, b, new List<Node>());
private IList<Node> GetShortestPathInternal(Node @from, Node to, List<Node> currentPath)
// Sanity
if (currentPath.Contains(from))
return null;
// Prune
if (_currentShortestPath.HasValue && currentPath.Count + 1 >= _currentShortestPath)
return null;
if (from == to)
return currentPath;
// Check neighbors recursively
IList<Node> foundShortestPath = null;
foreach (var connectedCell in from.ConnectedCells)
var cellPath = GetShortestPathInternal(connectedCell, to, new List<Node>(currentPath));
if (cellPath == null || foundShortestPath != null && cellPath.Count >= foundShortestPath.Count)
foundShortestPath = cellPath;
// Update shortest path for future pruning
if (foundShortestPath != null && (!_currentShortestPath.HasValue || _currentShortestPath > foundShortestPath.Count))
_currentShortestPath = foundShortestPath.Count;
return foundShortestPath;
public class Node
private readonly HashSet<Node> _connectedCells = new HashSet<Node>();
public IEnumerable<Node> ConnectedCells => _connectedCells;
/// <summary>
/// Add a connection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toAdd">Node to add</param>
/// <param name="isTwoWay">Should add a connection from target node to this node</param>
public void AddConnection(Node toAdd, bool isTwoWay=true)
if (toAdd == null || toAdd == this)
throw new Exception("Invalid connection attempted");
// Attempt to add
if (!_connectedCells.Add(toAdd))
if (!isTwoWay) return;