我可以在 Scylla DB 中的地图上创建索引吗?

Can I create an index on maps in Scylla DB?

Scylla DB 中有一个本地地图类型https://docs.scylladb.com/getting-started/types/#maps是否可以在其上创建索引?所以它有点像 PostgreSQL 中的 GIN。

由于 maps 是一种集合类型,我认为这个 GH 问题几乎总结了它以及支持(或不支持)的内容。 https://github.com/scylladb/scylla/issues/3654#issuecomment-479639450

GH 问题中提到的验证要求:

  • disallow FULL indexes on non-frozen collections
  • disallow non-FULL indexes on frozen collections
  • disallow repeated creation of FULL indexes on the same collection
  • disallow referencing frozen-map entries in the WHERE clause (only allow complete map values)


Non-frozen collections are currently not supported at all with proper error message, non-full indexes on frozen collections are also disallowed, repeated creation is by default forbidden for any index too. Also, I think that referencing frozen-map entries in WHERE clause should be allowed, at least with filtering.

如果您发现任何不同的行为,请告知我们并提交 GH 问题。