如何在 xUnit 中使用泛型正确模拟扩展方法?

How to properly mock extension methods with generics in xUnit?


public class PhaseService : IPhaseService
        private readonly IRepository<Phase> _phaseRepository;
        private readonly IMapper _mapper;
        private readonly HrbContext _context;

        public PhaseService(IRepository<Phase> phaseRepository, IMapper mapper, HrbContext context)
            _phaseRepository = phaseRepository;
            _mapper = mapper;
            _context = context;

        public async Task<PhaseDto> GetAsync(Guid id)
            var result = await _phaseRepository.GetActiveAsync(id);
            return _mapper.Map<PhaseDto>(result);


namespace HRB_Server.Application.Extensions
    public static class RepositoryExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the entity to which the given id is a match (no navigation properties loaded). Throws exceptions if the entity is not found or if is not active.
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task<T> GetActiveAsync<T>(this IRepository<T> repo, Guid id)
            where T : BaseEntity
            T entity = await repo.GetAsync(id);

            if (entity == null)
                throw new EntityNotFoundException(typeof(T), id);

            if (!entity.IsActive)
                throw new EntityNotActiveException(typeof(T), id);

            return entity;

这是我的 xUnit 测试:

namespace HRB_Server.Tests.Services
    public class PhaseServiceTest
        private readonly Mock<IRepository<Phase>> _repository;
        private readonly Mock<IMapper> _mapper;
        private readonly Mock<HrbContext> _context;

        public PhaseServiceTest()
            _repository = new Mock<IRepository<Phase>>();
            //_mapper = new Mock<IMapper>();
            _mapper = null;
            //_context = new Mock<HrbContext>(new DbContextOptions<HrbContext>(), new HttpContextAccessor());
            _context = null;

        public void GetPhase_ActivePhaseObject_PhaseShouldExist()
            // Arrange
            var newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            var phase = GetSamplePhase(newGuid);

            _repository.Setup(x => RepositoryExtensions.GetActiveAsync<Phase>(_repository, It.IsAny<Guid>()))

            var phaseService = new PhaseService(_repository.Object, _mapper.Object, _context.Object);

            // Act
            var result = phaseService.GetAsync(newGuid);

            // Assert (expected, actual)
            Assert.Equal(phase.Result.Id, newGuid);

我遇到的错误是在 _repository 的设置中:

repository.Setup(x => RepositoryExtensions.GetActiveAsync<Phase>(_repository, It.IsAny<Guid>()))





扩展在这种情况下使用 GetAsync,假设它也不是扩展,这就是需要模拟的内容。


    .Setup(x => x.GetAsync(It.IsAny<Guid>()))


它将允许测试在执行时通过 GetActiveAsync 代码,如果失败,也会抛出代码中描述的异常等。