flutter bloc(cubit) 状态未定义?

flutter bloc(cubit) state is not defined?

  void emailChanged(String value) {
    final email = Email.dirty(value);
      email: email,
      status: Formz.validate([email, state.password]),

这是我的简单功能。状态给出错误我不知道为什么。所有软件包都已安装 (flutter_bloc)。为什么会报错?

Undefined name 'state'.
Try correcting the name to one that is defined, or defining the name


part of 'login_cubit.dart';

class LoginState extends Equatable {
  const LoginState({
    this.email = const Email.pure(),
    this.password = const Password.pure(),
    this.username = const Username.pure(),
    this.status = FormzStatus.pure,
    this.exceptionError = "",

  final Email email;
  final Username username;
  final Password password;
  final FormzStatus status;
  final String exceptionError;

  List<Object> get props =>
      [email, username, password, status, exceptionError];

  LoginState copyWith({
    Email? email,
    Username? username,
    Password? password,
    FormzStatus? status,
    String? exceptionError,
  }) {
    return LoginState(
      email: email ?? this.email,
      username: username ?? this.username,
      password: password ?? this.password,
      status: status ?? this.status,
      exceptionError: exceptionError ?? this.exceptionError,


我认为在 emailChanged() 的独家新闻中,您尝试发出的变量 'state' 是未知的。


void emailChanged(String value, <YOUR_TIPE> state) {
final email = Email.dirty(value);
  email: email,
  status: Formz.validate([email, state.password]),


flutter pub cache repair


flutter pub get

感谢 Rolly Mod