在 Visual Studio 预览 2022 处用鼠标滚轮水平滚动

Horizontal scroll with mouse wheel at Visual Studio Preview 2022

所以我发现 Visual Studio Preview 2019 的这个扩展名为:SideScroller。 但是我找不到 Visual Studio Preview 2022 的相同扩展名。有什么建议吗?


"Version 1.2 is now available in the marketplace, with support for VS2022. Please test it out let me know if you see any issues. Thanks everyone for your patience!"

如果您在 VS Extension Gallery, you'll find that has a GitHub project. From there, you could try to fix it up to install on VS2022 (and maybe even send a pull request), or you might look at this issue 中查找扩展程序要求 VS2022 支持,请在评论中添加 workaround/hack。