Git pull 给出 "Already up to date" 但远程分支显示冲突

Git pull gives "Already up to date" but remote branch shows confilcts

所以我最近才开始使用更多 git 功能,但我有点不知所措。

我需要从 develop 分支获取代码,解决冲突,然后再次推送它并再次执行拉取请求。



  1. develop
  2. 之上变基 newbranch
# from branch 'newbranch' :
git checkout newbranch

# rebase on top of 'develop' :
git rebase develop

# if you actually need to edit or drop commits along the way, you may use
# an interactive rebase :
git rebase -i develop
  1. 合并 developnewbranch
# from branch 'newbranch' :
git checkout newbranch

# merge 'develop' :
git merge develop


您需要解决冲突才能完成其中任何一个操作 -- 您的遥控器说有一些。

一旦您对本地存储库中的更新 newbranch 感到满意,请将其推送到远程:

git push origin newbranch

# if you ran rebase, you will need to force push your branch :
git push --force-with-lease origin newbranch