ggcorrplot2 显示不同重要性的星号
ggcorrplot2 shows different significance asterisks
有人知道为什么 ggcorrplot2 显示的星号与 ggcorrplot 不同吗?我很困惑。
ct <- corr.test(mtcars)
corr <- ct$r
p.mat <- ct$p
ggcorrplot(corr, type= "lower", p.mat = p.mat,
insig = "label_sig", sig.lvl = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001),show.diag=F)
ggcorrplot.mixed(corr, upper = "number", lower = "circle", p.mat = p.mat,
insig = "label_sig", sig.lvl = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001))
我用 p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat)] <- t(p.mat)[lower.tri(p.mat)]
此外,如果您想使用调整后的 p.Values,则在 p.Value 矩阵的对角线上方镜像三角形很重要。如果您需要未调整的 p.Values,则需要镜像下方的三角形(需要相应更改代码)。
cor.matrix <- corr.test(mtcars,method = "spearman", adjust = "BH", alpha = 0.05, ci = F)
corr <- cor.matrix[["r"]]
p.mat <- cor.matrix[["p"]]
p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat)] <- t(p.mat)[lower.tri(p.mat)] #to get only the adjusted p.Values symmetrically over the plot
p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat, diag = T)] <- 1 #to set the lower triangle to 1
corrplot.mixed(corr, order= "original",mar=c(0,0,2,0), tl.col = 'black', p.mat = p.mat, insig = "label_sig", sig.level = c(.001, .01, .05), pch.cex=1.5, tl.cex = .8, number.font=2, number.cex=0.8)
cor.matrix <- corr.test(mtcars,method = "spearman", adjust = "BH", alpha = 0.05, ci = F)
corr <- cor.matrix[["r"]]
p.mat <- cor.matrix[["p"]]
p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat)] <- t(p.mat)[lower.tri(p.mat)] #to get only the adjusted p.Values symmetrically over the plot
p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat, diag = T)] <- 1 #to set the lower triangle to 1 (this way the asterisks wont be displayed on this part of the graph)
corrplot.mixed(corr, order= "original",mar=c(0,0,2,0), tl.col = 'black', p.mat = p.mat, insig = "label_sig", sig.level = c(.001, .01, .05), pch.cex=1.5, tl.cex = .8, number.font=2, number.cex=0.8)
有人知道为什么 ggcorrplot2 显示的星号与 ggcorrplot 不同吗?我很困惑。
ct <- corr.test(mtcars)
corr <- ct$r
p.mat <- ct$p
ggcorrplot(corr, type= "lower", p.mat = p.mat,
insig = "label_sig", sig.lvl = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001),show.diag=F)
ggcorrplot.mixed(corr, upper = "number", lower = "circle", p.mat = p.mat,
insig = "label_sig", sig.lvl = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001))
我用 p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat)] <- t(p.mat)[lower.tri(p.mat)]
此外,如果您想使用调整后的 p.Values,则在 p.Value 矩阵的对角线上方镜像三角形很重要。如果您需要未调整的 p.Values,则需要镜像下方的三角形(需要相应更改代码)。
cor.matrix <- corr.test(mtcars,method = "spearman", adjust = "BH", alpha = 0.05, ci = F)
corr <- cor.matrix[["r"]]
p.mat <- cor.matrix[["p"]]
p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat)] <- t(p.mat)[lower.tri(p.mat)] #to get only the adjusted p.Values symmetrically over the plot
p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat, diag = T)] <- 1 #to set the lower triangle to 1
corrplot.mixed(corr, order= "original",mar=c(0,0,2,0), tl.col = 'black', p.mat = p.mat, insig = "label_sig", sig.level = c(.001, .01, .05), pch.cex=1.5, tl.cex = .8, number.font=2, number.cex=0.8)
cor.matrix <- corr.test(mtcars,method = "spearman", adjust = "BH", alpha = 0.05, ci = F)
corr <- cor.matrix[["r"]]
p.mat <- cor.matrix[["p"]]
p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat)] <- t(p.mat)[lower.tri(p.mat)] #to get only the adjusted p.Values symmetrically over the plot
p.mat[lower.tri(p.mat, diag = T)] <- 1 #to set the lower triangle to 1 (this way the asterisks wont be displayed on this part of the graph)
corrplot.mixed(corr, order= "original",mar=c(0,0,2,0), tl.col = 'black', p.mat = p.mat, insig = "label_sig", sig.level = c(.001, .01, .05), pch.cex=1.5, tl.cex = .8, number.font=2, number.cex=0.8)