从 csv 导入后的 Powershell 搜索匹配值并更新关联 objects
Powershell after import from csv search for matching value and update assosiate objects
我一直在四处寻找,但没有找到一个例子来完成我想要的。我有一个带有 headers 的导入 CSV 文件,我想找到一个值,当找到时我需要更新数组。
| Pers1ID | Pers1Name |Pers2ID |Pers2Name |Pers1FathID | Pers1FathName|Pers1MothID|Pers1MothName|
| ------- | --------- |------- |--------- |----------- |------------- |---------- |------------ |
| | Hans A | | Cindy B | | Oscar A | | Virgin C |
| | Rik A | | | | Hans A | | Cindy B |
我正在寻找正确的代码,以便为所有汉斯 A 提供相同的 ID,为所有辛迪 B 提供相同的 ID。
原始文件有 3000 行,150 列。
$personid = 1
$myMultiArray = @(Import-CSV ".\import.csv" -Encoding UTF8)
$SearchArray = $myMultiArray
$mainarraycount = 0
#starting with the first line of the array I want to start my search and update with match found.
foreach ($mainArrayItem in $myMultiArray) {
#getting all possible names some could be empty
$match = @(($mainarrayitem.Pers1Naam,$mainarrayitem.Pers1VadNaam,$mainarrayitem.Pers1MoeNaam,
#removing the empty from my search
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Export = @()
foreach ($value in $match) {
If (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))) {
$match = $Export
#start search for my first match
$arrayCount = 0
foreach ($ArrayItem in $SearchArray) {
foreach ($item in $match) {
if ($ArrayItem -Like "*"+$item+"*") {
#here I want to add an ID to Pers1ID but also the same ID to when Hans A is Father of Rik A. I tried indexof but that option is not available in this code
#$myMultiArray[$arrayCount][($arrayitem[$arrayCount].indexof($item))-1] = $personif
如评论所述,我认为最好创建一个查找哈希表,其中所有键都是人的姓名,相应的值是 ID。
# I'm faking the Import-Csv below by using a Here-String.
# You should do $csv = Import-CSV ".\import.csv" -Encoding UTF8
$csv = @"
,Hans A,,Cindy B,, Oscar A,,Virgin C
,Rik A,,,,Hans A,,Cindy B
"@ | ConvertFrom-Csv
# create a lookup table
$lookup = @{
'Hans A' = 1
'Cindy B' = 2
'Oscar A' = 3
'Virgin C' = 4
'Rik A' = 5
# etcetera
# now loop through the items in the csv and fill the ID values using the lookup table
foreach ($item in $csv) {
$item.Pers1ID = $lookup[$item.Pers1Name]
$item.Pers2ID = $lookup[$item.Pers2Name]
$item.Pers1FathID = $lookup[$item.Pers1FathName]
$item.Pers1MothID = $lookup[$item.Pers1MothName]
# display on screen
$csv | Format-Table -AutoSize
# write to (new) CSV file
$csv | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\export.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Pers1ID Pers1Name Pers2ID Pers2Name Pers1FathID Pers1FathName Pers1MothID Pers1MothName
------- --------- ------- --------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -------------
1 Hans A 2 Cindy B 3 Oscar A 4 Virgin C
5 Rik A 1 Hans A 2 Cindy B
我一直在四处寻找,但没有找到一个例子来完成我想要的。我有一个带有 headers 的导入 CSV 文件,我想找到一个值,当找到时我需要更新数组。
| Pers1ID | Pers1Name |Pers2ID |Pers2Name |Pers1FathID | Pers1FathName|Pers1MothID|Pers1MothName|
| ------- | --------- |------- |--------- |----------- |------------- |---------- |------------ |
| | Hans A | | Cindy B | | Oscar A | | Virgin C |
| | Rik A | | | | Hans A | | Cindy B |
我正在寻找正确的代码,以便为所有汉斯 A 提供相同的 ID,为所有辛迪 B 提供相同的 ID。
原始文件有 3000 行,150 列。
$personid = 1
$myMultiArray = @(Import-CSV ".\import.csv" -Encoding UTF8)
$SearchArray = $myMultiArray
$mainarraycount = 0
#starting with the first line of the array I want to start my search and update with match found.
foreach ($mainArrayItem in $myMultiArray) {
#getting all possible names some could be empty
$match = @(($mainarrayitem.Pers1Naam,$mainarrayitem.Pers1VadNaam,$mainarrayitem.Pers1MoeNaam,
#removing the empty from my search
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Export = @()
foreach ($value in $match) {
If (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value))) {
$match = $Export
#start search for my first match
$arrayCount = 0
foreach ($ArrayItem in $SearchArray) {
foreach ($item in $match) {
if ($ArrayItem -Like "*"+$item+"*") {
#here I want to add an ID to Pers1ID but also the same ID to when Hans A is Father of Rik A. I tried indexof but that option is not available in this code
#$myMultiArray[$arrayCount][($arrayitem[$arrayCount].indexof($item))-1] = $personif
如评论所述,我认为最好创建一个查找哈希表,其中所有键都是人的姓名,相应的值是 ID。
# I'm faking the Import-Csv below by using a Here-String.
# You should do $csv = Import-CSV ".\import.csv" -Encoding UTF8
$csv = @"
,Hans A,,Cindy B,, Oscar A,,Virgin C
,Rik A,,,,Hans A,,Cindy B
"@ | ConvertFrom-Csv
# create a lookup table
$lookup = @{
'Hans A' = 1
'Cindy B' = 2
'Oscar A' = 3
'Virgin C' = 4
'Rik A' = 5
# etcetera
# now loop through the items in the csv and fill the ID values using the lookup table
foreach ($item in $csv) {
$item.Pers1ID = $lookup[$item.Pers1Name]
$item.Pers2ID = $lookup[$item.Pers2Name]
$item.Pers1FathID = $lookup[$item.Pers1FathName]
$item.Pers1MothID = $lookup[$item.Pers1MothName]
# display on screen
$csv | Format-Table -AutoSize
# write to (new) CSV file
$csv | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\export.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Pers1ID Pers1Name Pers2ID Pers2Name Pers1FathID Pers1FathName Pers1MothID Pers1MothName
------- --------- ------- --------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -------------
1 Hans A 2 Cindy B 3 Oscar A 4 Virgin C
5 Rik A 1 Hans A 2 Cindy B