Retrieve a single Realm object using Primary key - Error : Invalid Object ID string must be 24 hex digits

Retrieve a single Realm object using Primary key - Error : Invalid Object ID string must be 24 hex digits



class Chapter : Object {
    @objc dynamic var title = ""
    @objc dynamic var chapterID = 0
    @objc dynamic var bookmark =  0.0
    @objc dynamic var marked = false
    let notes = List<Notes>()
    override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
        return "chapterID"

 func addNote(note: Note, chapterID: Int ) {
    do {
let chapter = try Realm().object(ofType: Chapter.self, forPrimaryKey: "\(chapterID)")
//  code to append note 

catch let error {
      // Handle error
      print("Error in retrieving chapter no. \(chapterID)")

当我尝试使用 Realm().object(ofType: forPrimaryKey:) 或 Realm realm.object(ofType:forPrimaryKey: 我收到以下错误。例如对于 id 2

无效的对象 ID 字符串“2”:必须是 24 个十六进制数字


chapterID 是一个 Int,因此当您尝试获取 Chapter 时不应传递 String。只需传入一个整数值即可。

let chapter = try Realm().object(ofType: Chapter.self, forPrimaryKey: chapterID)


class Chapter: Object {
    @Persisted var title = ""
    @Persisted(primaryKey: true) var chapterID = 0
    @Persisted var bookmark =  0.0
    @Persisted var marked = false