将文件拖放到 Sharepoint 文件夹时如何触发 Azure Logic App

How to trigger Azure Logic App when dropping file in Sharepoint folder

我创建了一个使用 Sharepoint 触发器的逻辑应用程序“当在文件夹中创建或修改文件时”。当我在线上传 Sharepoint 文件时(在 Sharepoint 浏览器选项卡中),它工作得很好。但是,当我将文件放入同步的 Windows 资源管理器文件夹时,它不起作用。


Move files and flow runs When you move one or more files from one document library to another, the original file is moved from the source library to the destination library. Moving the file does not alter any custom metadata, including when the file was created and modified. Hence, this action does not trigger any flows for those file updates associated in the library where it was moved.

Syncing files to your OneDrive for business and SharePoint document libraries When users sync one or more files from one document library to another, the original file is moved (synced) from your client to the destination library. Syncing the file will not alter any custom metadata including when the file was created and modified. Hence, this action will not trigger any flows for those file syncs in that library or in your OneDrive for business.

问题是我 运行 需要这个逻辑应用程序,只需将此文件拖放到 Windows Explorer 文件夹(这是与某个人共享的 Sharepoint 文件夹)。你知道我怎样才能做到这一点吗?

当我使用 OneDrive - When a file is created 连接器时,它开始为我工作,因为我们将 OneDrive 用于 Windows Explorer,并且需要包含应调用触发器的文件夹。如果我们希望在将任何文件添加到子文件夹时触发触发器,我们必须将 Include subfolder 设置为 true。


