Swift 的视觉框架无法识别日文字符

Swift's Vision framework not recognizing Japanese characters

我想使用 swift 的 Vision 框架从扫描图像中读取日语字符。但是,当我尝试使用

VNRecognizeTextRequest 的识别语言设置为日语时

request.recognitionLanguages = ["ja", "en"]

我的程序的输出变成了无意义的罗马字母。对于每个 image of japanese text there is unexpected recognized text 输出。但是,当设置为其他语言(如中文或德文)时,文本输出符合预期。是什么导致了看似日语特有的意外输出?

我正在构建 github 项目 here

正如他们在 WWDC 2019 视频中所说,Text Recognition in Vision Framework

First, a prerequisite, you need to check the languages that are supported by language-based correction...

查看 supportedRecognitionLanguages 以获得 VNRecognizeTextRequestRevision2 的“准确”识别,似乎支持的语言是:

["en-US", "fr-FR", "it-IT", "de-DE", "es-ES", "pt-BR", "zh-Hans", "zh-Hant"]


["en-US", "fr-FR", "it-IT", "de-DE", "es-ES", "pt-BR"]


