从 Acumatica Framework 中的 SOShipLine 中删除行

Delete row from SOShipLine in Acumatica Framework


我需要从“发货”屏幕上的 SOShipLine 中删除一行

screenshot of action

我正在对 SOShipmentEntry 进行扩展,并尝试执行以下操作以删除该行

            PXResultset<SOShipLine> shipLines = SelectFrom<SOShipLine>.InnerJoin<SOShipment>.On<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr.IsEqual<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>>
            .Where<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr.IsEqual<@P.AsString>>.View.Select(Base, shipment.ShipmentNbr);

        List<Linelevel> lineLevels = osr.Transaction.Transaction.Order.LineLevel;

        foreach (SOShipLine shipLine in shipLines)
            Linelevel lineLevel = lineLevels.Find(lineNbr => lineNbr.POLineNum == shipLine.LineNbr);
            if (lineLevel != null)
                shipLine.ShippedQty = lineLevel.PickedQuantity;
            } else

但是当我到达要删除行的位置时,它会生成一个异常,询问我密钥不能为 null

尝试直接使用“交易”视图,而不是使用 PXSelect 查询数据。

// This is no longer needed - retrieve from the Transactions view instead
//PXResultset<SOShipLine> shipLines = SelectFrom<SOShipLine>.InnerJoin<SOShipment>.On<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr.IsEqual<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>>
//  .Where<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr.IsEqual<@P.AsString>>.View.Select(Base, shipment.ShipmentNbr);

List<Linelevel> lineLevels = osr.Transaction.Transaction.Order.LineLevel;

// Cycle through the records returned directly from the Transactions view
//foreach (SOShipLine shipLine in shipLines)
foreach (SOShipLine shipLine in Base.Transactions.Select())
    Linelevel lineLevel = lineLevels.Find(lineNbr => lineNbr.POLineNum == shipLine.LineNbr);
    if (lineLevel != null)
        shipLine.ShippedQty = lineLevel.PickedQuantity;
    } else
        // Generally speaking, work with the view instead of the cache when possible
// After your logic completes, make sure the user has to press Save or you do it for them
