Apps 脚本:将附件添加到邮件合并

Apps Script: Add attachment to a mail merger


在@Cooper 的大力帮助下,我能够使用 html 模板(“emailEinladung.html”)和收件人列表(“terminBestaetige”)优化我的邮件合并脚本。每个收件人都会收到一封基于 html 模板的个性化电子邮件,只要第 11 列(因此,“K”)中的 his/her 状态未设置为“EMAIL SENT”。现在我想在每封发送的电子邮件中添加一个或多个附件。


function terminEinladungVersendenWithAttachments() {
  // variables to reference the sheet and its content
  const anrede = 2;
  const nachname = 3;
  const emailAdresse = 5;
  const terminTag = 6;
  const terminUhrzeit = 8;
  const terminURL = 9;
  let emailTemp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('emailEinladung');
  const sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("terminBestaetigen");

  // variables for "Betreff" (in English: "subject") coming from the google Sheet named "Vorlagen"
  var wsVorlagen = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Vorlagen");
  var betreff = wsVorlagen.getRange("B1").getValue();

  const sr = 3;//start row of data
  const data = sh.getRange(sr, 1, sh.getLastRow() - sr + 1, 11).getValues();
  data.forEach((row, i) => {
    if (row[10] == "EMAIL NOT SENT YET") {
      emailTemp.anrede1 = (row[anrede]);
      emailTemp.nachname1 = (row[nachname]);
      emailTemp.emailAdresse1 = (row[emailAdresse]);
      emailTemp.terminTag1 = (row[terminTag]);
      emailTemp.terminUhrzeit1 = (row[terminUhrzeit]);
      emailTemp.terminURL1 = (row[terminURL]);
  // including attachements to each email being sent.
      var attachment1 = DriveApp.getFileById("[FILE_ID1]")
      var attachment2 = DriveApp.getFileById("[FILE_ID2]")
      var blob1 = attachment1.getBlob()
      var blob2 = attachment2.getBlob()
      var htmlMessage = emailTemp.evaluate().getContent();
        betreff, "Dies ist eine Nachricht im HTML-Format. Sie müßen Ihre Email-Software entsprechend einrichten.",
        { htmlBody: htmlMessage, replyTo: "", attachments: [blob1, blob2]});
      sh.getRange(i + sr, 11).setValue("EMAIL SENT");//stops emails from being sent again





  • 您想减少脚本的处理成本。


  • 当我看到你的脚本时,我认为 blob1blob2 可以退出循环。我觉得这样一来,工艺成本可能会有点低。
  • 但是,当GmailApp.sendEmail循环发送500封邮件时,这个过程成本会很高。我以为这个成本比上面那点要大
  • 为了减少发送 500 封电子邮件的过程成本,在这个答案中,作为一种解决方法,我想建议使用 Gmail API 和批量请求。但我不确定这是否是您问题的直接解决方案。所以请测试下面的脚本。



在使用此脚本之前,请先安装a Google Apps Script library of BatchRequest. You can see how to install this library at here

还有,please enable Gmail API at Advanced Google services.


const convert_ = ({ to, subject, textBody, htmlBody, attachmentfile1, attachmentfile2 }) => {
  const boundary1 = "boundaryboundary001";
  const boundary2 = "boundaryboundary002";
  const mailData = [
    `MIME-Version: 1.0`,
    `To: ${to}`,
    `Subject: =?UTF-8?B?${Utilities.base64Encode(subject, Utilities.Charset.UTF_8)}?=`,
    `Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=${boundary1}`,
    `Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=${boundary2}`,
    `Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8`,
    `Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8`,
    `Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64`,
    Utilities.base64Encode(htmlBody, Utilities.Charset.UTF_8),
    `Content-Type: image/png; charset=UTF-8; name="sample1.png"`,
    `Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64`,
    `Content-Type: image/png; charset=UTF-8; name="sample2.png"`,
    `Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64`,
  return Utilities.base64EncodeWebSafe(mailData);

// Please run this function.
function terminEinladungVersendenWithAttachments() {
  const anrede = 2;
  const nachname = 3;
  const emailAdresse = 5;
  const terminTag = 6;
  const terminUhrzeit = 8;
  const terminURL = 9;
  let emailTemp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('emailEinladung');
  const sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("terminBestaetigen");
  var wsVorlagen = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Vorlagen");
  var betreff = wsVorlagen.getRange("B1").getValue();
  const sr = 3;
  const data = sh.getRange(sr, 1, sh.getLastRow() - sr + 1, 11).getValues();
  var attachmentfile1 = Utilities.base64Encode(DriveApp.getFileById("[FILE_ID1]").getBlob().getBytes());
  var attachmentfile2 = Utilities.base64Encode(DriveApp.getFileById("[FILE_ID2]").getBlob().getBytes());

  var {requests, sent} = data.reduce((o, row, i) => {
    if (row[10] == "EMAIL NOT SENT YET") {
      emailTemp.anrede1 = (row[anrede]);
      emailTemp.nachname1 = (row[nachname]);
      emailTemp.emailAdresse1 = (row[emailAdresse]);
      emailTemp.terminTag1 = (row[terminTag]);
      emailTemp.terminUhrzeit1 = (row[terminUhrzeit]);
      emailTemp.terminURL1 = (row[terminURL]);
      var htmlMessage = emailTemp.evaluate().getContent();
      const obj = {
        to: row[emailAdresse],
        subject: betreff,
        textBody: "Dies ist eine Nachricht im HTML-Format. Sie müßen Ihre Email-Software entsprechend einrichten.",
        htmlBody: htmlMessage,
        attachmentfile1, attachmentfile2
      o.requests.push({method: "POST", endpoint: "", requestBody: { raw: convert_(obj) }});
      o.sent.push("K" + (i + 3));
    return o;
  }, {requests: [], sent: []});
  if (sent.length > 0) sh.getRangeList(sent).setValue("EMAIL SENT");
  const res = BatchRequest.EDo({ batchPath: "batch/gmail/v1", accessToken: ScriptApp.getOAuthToken(), requests: requests });


  • 这个方法是我的尝试。所以请测试上面的脚本。
