
Pandas: Sum and aggregate by daily amounts after multiplying exchange rates look-up by same dates from another dataframe


我是 Python 的新手,我尝试了不同的方法来达到要求(主要是使用 groupby()),但到目前为止一切都失败了。

我有一个数据框,其中包含同一天以不同货币进行的多笔交易(116200 行):

Index Account No Withdrawal AMT Deposit AMT Dates Currency
0 12345567 100 300 2015-01-01 eur
1 12345567 100 300 2015-01-01 usd
2 12345567 100 300 2015-01-01 gbp
3 12345567 100 300 2015-01-01 eur
4 34334123 100 300 2015-01-02 usd
5 34334123 100 300 2015-01-02 gbp


Index EURO-GBP Dates
0 1.634 2015-01-01
1 1.6676 2015-01-02
2 1.4554 2015-01-03
3 1.23455 2015-01-04
Index USD-GBP Dates
0 0.934 2015-01-01
1 0.943 2015-01-02
2 0.834 2015-01-03
3 0.945 2015-01-04

首先,我需要想办法将数据框的第一个值转换为 GBP。正如您所注意到的,每天都有不同货币的交易,所以任何关于如何做到这一点的提示都将不胜感激!


Index Withdrawal AMT Deposit AMT Dates Currency
0 1000 600 2015-01-01 GBP
1 3000 500 2015-01-02 GBP
2 2000 700 2015-01-03 GBP




(假设您的主数据框名为 df1,汇率数据框为 df_xr_eurdf_xr_usd):

# Split the main dataframe by currency
df1_eur = df1[df1['Currency'] == 'eur'].copy()
df1_usd = df1[df1['Currency'] == 'usd'].copy()
df1_gbp = df1[df1['Currency'] == 'gbp'].copy()

# Calculate GBP equivalent of currency values
df1_eur['Withdrawal AMT'] *= df1_eur['Dates'].map(df_xr_eur.set_index('Dates')['EURO-GBP'])
df1_eur['Deposit AMT'] *= df1_eur['Dates'].map(df_xr_eur.set_index('Dates')['EURO-GBP'])

df1_usd['Withdrawal AMT'] *= df1_usd['Dates'].map(df_xr_usd.set_index('Dates')['USD-GBP'])
df1_usd['Deposit AMT'] *= df1_usd['Dates'].map(df_xr_usd.set_index('Dates')['USD-GBP'])

# Assemble the previously split datrframes after exchange rate calculation
df2 = pd.concat([df1_eur, df1_usd, df1_gbp]).assign(Currency='GBP')

# Aggregate by `Dates`
df_final = df2.groupby('Dates').agg({'Withdrawal AMT': 'sum',
                                     'Deposit AMT': 'sum',
                                     'Currency': 'first'



        Dates  Withdrawal AMT  Deposit AMT Currency
0  2015-01-01           520.2       1560.6      GBP
1  2015-01-02           194.3        582.9      GBP