vrecpeq_f32 内在的参考实现?

Reference implementation of vrecpeq_f32 intrinsic?

vrecpeq_f32 ARM NEON Intrinsic。

官方对vrecpeq_f32的解释:https://developer.arm.com/architectures/instruction-sets/intrinsics/#f:@navigationhierarchiessimdisa=[Neon]&q=vrecpeq_f32 .

Floating-point Reciprocal Estimate. This instruction finds an approximate reciprocal estimate for each vector element in the source SIMD&FP register, places the result in a vector, and writes the vector to the destination SIMD&FP register.

但是,它对我来说仍然不准确。只是想知道我们是否可以在 C/C++ 中编写一个与 vrecpeq_f32?


我试过调用 vrecpeq_f32 并得到结果:

float32x4_t v1 = {1, 2, 3, 4};
float32x4_t v_out = vrecpeq_f32(v1);//0.99805, 0.49902, 0.33301, 0.24951

很好奇为什么 1 的倒数是 0.99805 而不是 1.0。

P.S。我对如何通过一些技巧使用 NEON 内在函数来获得更好的精度倒数结果不感兴趣,例如一次或多次 Newton-Raphson 迭代。

ARM documention 提供了伪代码,详细说明了正在执行的确切算法。寻找使用定点 RecipEstimate.



Just wondering if we can write a reference implementation in C/C++ that keep exactly the same result as vrecpeq_f32?

好的!毕竟这归结为位操作,所以没有理由不可行。将其转换为 C++,同时删除大多数边缘情况处理以及扩展精度模式,如下所示:(参见 godbolt


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>

// Convenience struct to deal with encoding and decoding ieee754 floats
struct float_parts {
    explicit float_parts(float v);
    explicit operator float() const;

    std::uint32_t sign;
    std::uint32_t fraction;
    std::uint32_t exp;

// Adapted from:
// https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0596/2021-03/Shared-Pseudocode/Shared-Functions?lang=en#impl-shared.FPRecipEstimate.2

// RecipEstimate()
// ===============
// Compute estimate of reciprocal of 9-bit fixed-point number.
// a is in range 256 .. 511 representing a number in
// the range 0.5 <= x < 1.0.
// result is in the range 256 .. 511 representing a
// number in the range 1.0 to 511/256
std::uint32_t RecipEstimate(std::uint32_t a) {
    a = a*2+1;
    std::uint32_t b = (1 << 19) / a;
    return ( b + 1) / 2;

// FPRecipEstimate()
// =================
float FPRecipEstimate(float operand) {
    // ([...],sign,[...]) = FPUnpack(operand, [...], [...]);
    // fraction = operand<22:0> : Zeros(29);
    // exp = UInt(operand<30:23>);
    float_parts parts{operand};    

    // scaled = UInt('1':fraction<51:44>);
    std::uint32_t scaled = 0x100 | ((parts.fraction >> 15) & 0xFF) ;

    // when 32 result_exp =  253 - exp; // In range 253-254 = -1 to 253+1 = 254
    parts.exp = 253 - parts.exp;

    // // Scaled is in range 256 .. 511 representing a
    // // fixed-point number in range [0.5 .. 1.0].
    // estimate = RecipEstimate(scaled, increasedprecision);
    std::uint32_t estimate = RecipEstimate(scaled);

    // fraction = estimate<11:0> : Zeros(40);
    parts.fraction = (estimate & 0xff ) << 15;

    return float(parts);

int main() {
    std::cout << std::setprecision(5) 
              << FPRecipEstimate(1.0f) << "\n"
              << FPRecipEstimate(2.0f) << "\n"
              << FPRecipEstimate(3.0f) << "\n"
              << FPRecipEstimate(4.0f);

float_parts::float_parts(float v) {
    std::uint32_t v_bits;
    std::memcpy(&v_bits, &v, sizeof(float));

    sign = (v_bits >> 31) & 0x1;
    fraction = v_bits & ((1 << 23) - 1);
    exp = (v_bits >> 23) & 0xff;

float_parts::operator float() const {
    std::uint32_t v_bits = 
        ((sign & 0x1) << 31) |
        (fraction & ((1 << 23) - 1)) |
        ((exp & 0xff) << 23);

    float result;
    std::memcpy(&result, &v_bits, sizeof(float));
    return result;

