如何在 Nim 中列出目录中的项目

How to list items in directory in Nim

我目前正在开发一个应该能够列出目录中的项目的应用程序,但是,在查看了 Nim 中的 OS 模块之后,我找不到一种方法来查看目录中有什么。难不成是还没实现,还是我看错地方才找到这样的功能?

简而言之,我如何才能看到 /home/username/Documents/ 里面的内容?我怎样才能在 Nim 中列出它的内容?

您需要查看 os 模块的 Iterators 部分。

walkDir 和用于此目的的相关迭代器:

iterator walkDir(dir: string; relative = false; checkDir = false): tuple[
    kind: PathComponent, path: string]

Walks over the directory dir and yields for each directory or file in dir. The component type and full path for each item are returned.


import os

for kind, path in walkDir("/home/username/Documents/"):
  case kind:
  of pcFile:
    echo "File: ", path
  of pcDir:
    echo "Dir: ", path
  of pcLinkToFile:
    echo "Link to file: ", path
  of pcLinkToDir:
    echo "Link to dir: ", path


import os
import sequtils

    targetFolder = "/home/user/media/"
    targetExt = @[".mp3", ".webm", ".mkv"]

proc scanFolder (tgPath: string, extLst: seq[string]): seq[string] =
        fileNames: seq[string]
        path, name, ext: string
    for kind, obj in walkDir tgPath:
        if $kind == "pcDir" :
            fileNames = concat(fileNames, scanFolder(obj, extLst))

        (path, name, ext) = splitFile(obj)

        if ext in extLst:

    return fileNames 

var fileList = scanFolder(targetFolder, targetExt)   

for f in fileList:
    echo f