nlme::gls() 应用纵向分析第 2 版网站上的 R 代码需要一些调整
nlme::gls() R code on Applied Longitudinal Analysis, 2nd Edition website needs some tweaks
我的问题很简单。当我运行下面的代码,直接从“Applied Longitudinal Analysis”网站复制过来的,这里:
ds <- read.dta("tlc.dta")
ds$baseline <- ds$y0
tlclong <- reshape(ds, idvar="id", varying=c("y0","y1","y4","y6"),v.names="y", timevar="time", time=1:4, direction="long")
tlclong <- subset(tlclong, time > 1)
week <- time
week[time==2] <- 1
week[time==3] <- 4
week[time==4] <- 6
time <- time - 1
week.f <- factor(week, c(1,4,6))
change <- y - baseline
cbaseline <- baseline - 26.406
model <- gls(y ~ I(week.f==1) + I(week.f==4) + I(week.f==6) + I(week.f==1 & trt=="Succimer") + I(week.f==4 & trt=="Succimer") + I(week.f==6 & trt=="Succimer"), corr=corSymm(, form= ~ time | id), weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | week.f))
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: y ~ I(week.f == 1) + I(week.f == 4) + I(week.f == 6) + I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer") + I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer") + I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")
Data: NULL
AIC BIC logLik
2028.922 2076.764 -1001.461
Correlation Structure: General
Formula: ~time | id
Parameter estimate(s):
1 2
2 0
3 0 0
Variance function:
Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
Formula: ~1 | week.f
Parameter estimates:
1 4 6
1 1 1
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 23.646 1.002955 23.576329 0.0000
I(week.f == 1)TRUE 1.014 1.418393 0.714894 0.4752
I(week.f == 4)TRUE 0.424 1.418393 0.298930 0.7652
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -11.138 1.418393 -7.852550 0.0000
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -8.556 1.418393 -6.032180 0.0000
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -2.884 1.418393 -2.033287 0.0429
(Intr) I(.==1 I(.==4 I=1&t=" I=4&t="
I(week.f == 1)TRUE -0.707
I(week.f == 4)TRUE -0.707 0.500
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 -0.500 0.000
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 0.000 -0.500 0.000
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -0.707 0.500 0.500 0.000 0.000
Standardized residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-2.3494198 -0.6575048 -0.1467858 0.5279214 6.0826597
Residual standard error: 7.091964
Degrees of freedom: 300 total; 293 residual
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: y ~ I(week.f == 1) + I(week.f == 4) + I(week.f == 6) + I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer") + I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer") + I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")
Data: NULL
AIC BIC logLik
2451.990 2519.544 -1208.995
Correlation Structure: General
Formula: ~time | id
Parameter estimate(s):
1 2 3
2 0.569
3 0.568 0.775
4 0.575 0.581 0.580
Variance function:
Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
Formula: ~1 | week.f
Parameter estimates:
0 1 4 6
1.000000 1.330103 1.374827 1.529615
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 26.406000 0.4998908 52.82354 0.0000
I(week.f == 1)TRUE -1.644501 0.7824044 -2.10186 0.0362
I(week.f == 4)TRUE -2.231356 0.8073811 -2.76370 0.0060
I(week.f == 6)TRUE -2.642065 0.8864616 -2.98046 0.0031
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -11.340998 1.0931205 -10.37488 0.0000
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -8.765288 1.1312570 -7.74827 0.0000
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -3.119869 1.2507776 -2.49434 0.0130
(Intr) I(.==1 I(.==4 I(.==6 I=1&t="
I(week.f == 1)TRUE -0.155
I(week.f == 4)TRUE -0.136 0.674
I(week.f == 6)TRUE -0.068 0.381 0.380
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 -0.699 -0.467 -0.265
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 -0.466 -0.701 -0.265 0.667
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 -0.263 -0.263 -0.705 0.376
I(week.f == 1)TRUE
I(week.f == 4)TRUE
I(week.f == 6)TRUE
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.375
Standardized residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-2.1636401 -0.7011814 -0.1426534 0.5374840 5.6570302
Residual standard error: 4.998908
Degrees of freedom: 400 total; 393 residual
- AIC、BIC 和 LogLik 值都不同
- 相关输出完全不同。我的输出全部为零,并且缺少相关矩阵中的整个维度。
- 我的方差函数参数估计完全不同;也缺少网站上显示的 0 输出。
- 在大多数情况下,估计系数大不相同;我的输出也完全缺少 week.f == 6 个结果。
- 系数结果下方输出的相关矩阵完全不同
- 我的输出显示总共有 300 个自由度; Fitzmaurice 说总共有 400 个(输出的最后一部分的其余部分也明显不同)。
此外,当我 运行 代码时,我收到一条错误消息
Error in glsEstimate(object, control = control) :
computed "gls" fit is singular, rank 7
因此,为了获得任何输出,我必须将此参数添加到 gls() 函数中:
control = list(singular.ok = TRUE)
所以我的问题是,为什么当我自己 运行 代码时输出如此不同?显然,制作网站的人忽略了正确复制代码。
如果您想尝试 运行自己编写代码,上面链接的网站有数据集 tlc.dta 可供下载。
稍微更改 Fitzmaurice 的代码,以包含时间 == 1(因此周 == 0),我得到与网站上所示相同的输出:
ds <- foreign::read.dta("tlc.dta")
ds$baseline <- ds$y0
tlclong <- reshape(ds, idvar="id", varying=c("y0","y1","y4","y6"),
v.names="y", timevar="time", time=1:4, direction="long")
# tlclong <- subset(tlclong, time > 1)
week <- time
week[time==1] <- 0
week[time==2] <- 1
week[time==3] <- 4
week[time==4] <- 6
time <- time - 1
week.f <- factor(week, c(0,1,4,6))
change <- y - baseline
cbaseline <- baseline - 26.406
model <- gls(y ~ week.f +
I(week.f==1 & trt=="Succimer") +
I(week.f==4 & trt=="Succimer") +
I(week.f==6 & trt=="Succimer"),
corr=corSymm(form= ~ time | id),
weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | week.f)
所以总而言之,我应该将我的问题的措辞从“nlme 的输出现在不同”更改为“Fitzmaurice 忘记输入他的代码本来肯定是什么,以便在他的网站上显示输出”。我的错。
我的问题很简单。当我运行下面的代码,直接从“Applied Longitudinal Analysis”网站复制过来的,这里: (第5章第5.7节),
ds <- read.dta("tlc.dta")
ds$baseline <- ds$y0
tlclong <- reshape(ds, idvar="id", varying=c("y0","y1","y4","y6"),v.names="y", timevar="time", time=1:4, direction="long")
tlclong <- subset(tlclong, time > 1)
week <- time
week[time==2] <- 1
week[time==3] <- 4
week[time==4] <- 6
time <- time - 1
week.f <- factor(week, c(1,4,6))
change <- y - baseline
cbaseline <- baseline - 26.406
model <- gls(y ~ I(week.f==1) + I(week.f==4) + I(week.f==6) + I(week.f==1 & trt=="Succimer") + I(week.f==4 & trt=="Succimer") + I(week.f==6 & trt=="Succimer"), corr=corSymm(, form= ~ time | id), weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | week.f))
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: y ~ I(week.f == 1) + I(week.f == 4) + I(week.f == 6) + I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer") + I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer") + I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")
Data: NULL
AIC BIC logLik
2028.922 2076.764 -1001.461
Correlation Structure: General
Formula: ~time | id
Parameter estimate(s):
1 2
2 0
3 0 0
Variance function:
Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
Formula: ~1 | week.f
Parameter estimates:
1 4 6
1 1 1
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 23.646 1.002955 23.576329 0.0000
I(week.f == 1)TRUE 1.014 1.418393 0.714894 0.4752
I(week.f == 4)TRUE 0.424 1.418393 0.298930 0.7652
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -11.138 1.418393 -7.852550 0.0000
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -8.556 1.418393 -6.032180 0.0000
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -2.884 1.418393 -2.033287 0.0429
(Intr) I(.==1 I(.==4 I=1&t=" I=4&t="
I(week.f == 1)TRUE -0.707
I(week.f == 4)TRUE -0.707 0.500
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 -0.500 0.000
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 0.000 -0.500 0.000
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -0.707 0.500 0.500 0.000 0.000
Standardized residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-2.3494198 -0.6575048 -0.1467858 0.5279214 6.0826597
Residual standard error: 7.091964
Degrees of freedom: 300 total; 293 residual
Generalized least squares fit by REML
Model: y ~ I(week.f == 1) + I(week.f == 4) + I(week.f == 6) + I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer") + I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer") + I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")
Data: NULL
AIC BIC logLik
2451.990 2519.544 -1208.995
Correlation Structure: General
Formula: ~time | id
Parameter estimate(s):
1 2 3
2 0.569
3 0.568 0.775
4 0.575 0.581 0.580
Variance function:
Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
Formula: ~1 | week.f
Parameter estimates:
0 1 4 6
1.000000 1.330103 1.374827 1.529615
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) 26.406000 0.4998908 52.82354 0.0000
I(week.f == 1)TRUE -1.644501 0.7824044 -2.10186 0.0362
I(week.f == 4)TRUE -2.231356 0.8073811 -2.76370 0.0060
I(week.f == 6)TRUE -2.642065 0.8864616 -2.98046 0.0031
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -11.340998 1.0931205 -10.37488 0.0000
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -8.765288 1.1312570 -7.74827 0.0000
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE -3.119869 1.2507776 -2.49434 0.0130
(Intr) I(.==1 I(.==4 I(.==6 I=1&t="
I(week.f == 1)TRUE -0.155
I(week.f == 4)TRUE -0.136 0.674
I(week.f == 6)TRUE -0.068 0.381 0.380
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 -0.699 -0.467 -0.265
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 -0.466 -0.701 -0.265 0.667
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.000 -0.263 -0.263 -0.705 0.376
I(week.f == 1)TRUE
I(week.f == 4)TRUE
I(week.f == 6)TRUE
I(week.f == 1 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE
I(week.f == 4 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE
I(week.f == 6 & trt == "Succimer")TRUE 0.375
Standardized residuals:
Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
-2.1636401 -0.7011814 -0.1426534 0.5374840 5.6570302
Residual standard error: 4.998908
Degrees of freedom: 400 total; 393 residual
- AIC、BIC 和 LogLik 值都不同
- 相关输出完全不同。我的输出全部为零,并且缺少相关矩阵中的整个维度。
- 我的方差函数参数估计完全不同;也缺少网站上显示的 0 输出。
- 在大多数情况下,估计系数大不相同;我的输出也完全缺少 week.f == 6 个结果。
- 系数结果下方输出的相关矩阵完全不同
- 我的输出显示总共有 300 个自由度; Fitzmaurice 说总共有 400 个(输出的最后一部分的其余部分也明显不同)。
此外,当我 运行 代码时,我收到一条错误消息
Error in glsEstimate(object, control = control) :
computed "gls" fit is singular, rank 7
因此,为了获得任何输出,我必须将此参数添加到 gls() 函数中:
control = list(singular.ok = TRUE)
所以我的问题是,为什么当我自己 运行 代码时输出如此不同?显然,制作网站的人忽略了正确复制代码。
如果您想尝试 运行自己编写代码,上面链接的网站有数据集 tlc.dta 可供下载。
稍微更改 Fitzmaurice 的代码,以包含时间 == 1(因此周 == 0),我得到与网站上所示相同的输出:
ds <- foreign::read.dta("tlc.dta")
ds$baseline <- ds$y0
tlclong <- reshape(ds, idvar="id", varying=c("y0","y1","y4","y6"),
v.names="y", timevar="time", time=1:4, direction="long")
# tlclong <- subset(tlclong, time > 1)
week <- time
week[time==1] <- 0
week[time==2] <- 1
week[time==3] <- 4
week[time==4] <- 6
time <- time - 1
week.f <- factor(week, c(0,1,4,6))
change <- y - baseline
cbaseline <- baseline - 26.406
model <- gls(y ~ week.f +
I(week.f==1 & trt=="Succimer") +
I(week.f==4 & trt=="Succimer") +
I(week.f==6 & trt=="Succimer"),
corr=corSymm(form= ~ time | id),
weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1 | week.f)
所以总而言之,我应该将我的问题的措辞从“nlme 的输出现在不同”更改为“Fitzmaurice 忘记输入他的代码本来肯定是什么,以便在他的网站上显示输出”。我的错。