如何自动刷新 Instagram Basic Display API 令牌?

How to refresh Instagram Basic Display API token automatically?

我正在尝试为我的 Nextjs 应用设置一个 public instagram 帐户的 instagram 提要(只有图像和链接)。

我知道我需要使用 Instagram Basic Display API and get a Long-Lived Access Token,但它会在 60 天后过期,我不想手动刷新它。有谁知道自动执行此操作的好方法,最好是免费的?

我看过 instagram-token-agent,但该设置使用 Heroku 和一个每月花费 30 美元的附加组件,这似乎很高。


我最终使用了 Google Cloud Secret Manager。

概述:Secret Manager 存储长寿命令牌,每次轮换都会触发 pub/sub,然后触发云函数。云函数为新令牌刷新令牌,然后将新版本添加到机密中。

Create New Secret


Create a service account for secret manager


gcloud auth login


gcloud beta services identity create --service "secretmanager.googleapis.com" --project "YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID"

它可能会要求您安装 gcloud beta 命令。

重要提示:确保记下终端中返回的服务帐户的全名。如果丢失了,运行 再次执行相同的命令。

Create pub/sub topic

创建一个新主题并将其命名为“instagram-token-refresh”,取消勾选'add a default subscription'。

Give secret manager permission to publish pub/sub

在您的新 pub/sub 主题中,转到权限 -> 添加原则。 搜索并添加上面添加的服务帐户名称。服务-{id}@gcp-sa-secretmanager.iam.gserviceaccount.com。添加新角色 Pub/Sub 发布者

Add rotation and pub/sub to secret

  1. 转到您的“instagram-token”秘密并“编辑秘密”。
  2. 轮换 -> 自定义 -> 每 50 天
  3. 通知 -> 添加主题 -> Select“instagram-token-refresh”
  4. 保存

现在每 50 天您的“instagram-token-refresh”pub/sub 将被触发。


  1. 搜索云函数 -> 启用 -> 创建云函数
  2. 函数名称:“Refresh-Instagram-Token”
  3. 触发器:pub/sub -> Select“instagram-token-refresh”
  4. 点击下一步
  5. 入口点:“refreshInstaToken”
  6. 编辑文件:

您可能需要启用云构建 API


  "name": "refresh-instagram-token",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "dependencies": {
    "@google-cloud/pubsub": "^0.18.0",
    "@google-cloud/secret-manager": "^3.10.1",
    "axios": "^0.24.0"


// Import the Secret Manager client
const { SecretManagerServiceClient } = require("@google-cloud/secret-manager");
const axios = require('axios');

// name of function is the same as entry point
exports.refreshInstaToken = async (event, context) => {
  // check pub/sub message is rotation to prevent infinte looping
  const event_type = event && event.attributes.eventType;
  //allowing SECRET_VERSION_ENABLE lets you manually trigger this function by disabling the secret and then enabling it (rather than waiting for rotation trigger)
  if (event_type != "SECRET_ROTATE" && event_type != "SECRET_VERSION_ENABLE") {
    return null;
  // secret name
  const parent = event.attributes.secretId;
  const name = parent + "/versions/latest";
  // Instantiates a client
  const client = new SecretManagerServiceClient();
  // get latest secret
  const [version] = await client.accessSecretVersion({
    name: name,
  // Extract the payload as a string.
  const secret = version.payload.data.toString();

  // refresh token
  const requesturl = `https://graph.instagram.com/refresh_access_token?grant_type=ig_refresh_token&access_token=${secret}`;
  const response = await axios.get(requesturl);
  const data = await response.data;
  // data = {"access_token", "token_type", "expires_in"}

  // check access_token isn't null
  if (data && data.access_token) {
    // Payload is the plaintext data to store in the secret
    const newSecret = Buffer.from(data.access_token, "utf8");
    // add new secret version (the refreshed token)
    const [newVersion] = await client.addSecretVersion({
      parent: parent,
      payload: {
        data: newSecret,
    console.log(`Added new secret version ${newVersion.name}`);
    // get new secret version number
    let newVersionN = newVersion.name.split("/");
    newVersionN = newVersionN[newVersionN.length - 1];
    if (newVersionN > 1) {
      // if is a second version delete one before it
      const nameToDestroy = parent + "/versions/" + (newVersionN - 1);
      const [deletedVersion] = await client.destroySecretVersion({
        name: nameToDestroy,
      console.info(`Destroyed ${deletedVersion.name}`);

Adding/Accessing Secrets Ref

Consume event notifications with Cloud Functions Ref

将云函数权限授予 Secret

  1. 转到您的秘密 -> 权限
  2. 添加 -> {project-id}@appspot.gserviceaccount.com
  3. 添加角色“Secret Manager Admin”

正在从服务帐户访问 Secret Manager

  1. 创建 new service account 名称“instagram-token”。
  2. 在新服务帐户中 -> 密钥 -> 添加密钥 -> 保存到桌面
  3. 转到您的秘密 -> 权限 -> 添加 -> “instagram-token...gserviceaccount.com”并赋予“Secret Manager Secret Accessor”角色


  1. 在下一个js根目录下创建.env.local文件


  3. Convert JSON file to Base64 key and copy to clipboard MAC

    openssl base64 < /Users/{username}/Desktop/service-account.json | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy

certutil -encode service-account.json encoded.txt

  1. 粘贴到变量,这样你就会得到类似 GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=faGdfdSytDsdcDg...
  2. 的内容

Authenticating GCP in Next.js

安装@google-cloud/secret-managernpm i @google-cloud/secret-manager

const {
} = require("@google-cloud/secret-manager");

export const getInstagramToken = async() => {
  // parse your base 64 env variable to a JSON object
  const credentials = JSON.parse(
    Buffer.from(process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, "base64").toString()

  // TO DO -> CHANGE
  const projectId = "eleanor-daisy";
  const secretId = "instagram-token";

  // set up credentials config
  const config = {

  // init secret manager with credentials
  const client = new SecretManagerServiceClient(config);

  const secretName = `projects/${projectId}/secrets/${secretId}/versions/latest`;

  // Access the secret.
  const [accessResponse] = await client.accessSecretVersion({
    name: secretName,

  const instaToken = accessResponse.payload.data.toString("utf8");

  return instaToken;

