Python 3.10 match如何比较1和True?

How does Python 3.10 match compares 1 and True?

PEP 622, Literal Patterns 表示如下:

Note that because equality (__eq__) is used, and the equivalency between Booleans and the integers 0 and 1, there is no practical difference between the following two:

case True:

case 1:

and True.__eq__(1) and (1).__eq__(True) both returns True, but when I 运行 these two code snippets with CPython, it seems like case True and case 1不一样。

$ python3.10
>>> match 1:
...     case True:
...         print('a')  # not executed
>>> match True:
...     case 1:
...         print('a')  # executed

1True 实际比较如何?

查看模式匹配规范,这属于 "literal pattern":

A literal pattern succeeds if the subject value compares equal to the value expressed by the literal, using the following comparisons rules:

  • Numbers and strings are compared using the == operator.
  • The singleton literals None, True and False are compared using the is operator.


 case True:

使用is1 is True为false。另一方面,

case 1:

使用 ==1 == True 为真。