Azure 逻辑应用程序 HTTP 操作步骤 - 动态获取要在查询字符串中使用的日期

Azure Logic App HTTP Action step - dynamically get dates to use in querystring

我正在创建一个 Azure Logic App. I've created a 'Recurrence' that will call a custom API endpoint every 12 hours. I want to pass dynamically calculated datetimes as querystring parameters when the API is called. Is this possible? I just need to get the current time, and a time 12 hours in the future. I discovered this guide to date and time functions in expressions for Azure Logic Apps,但我不确定如何在我的工作流程中使用它们:

您可以按如下方式使用Date and time functions

当你 运行 它时,结果将如下所示:

感谢@10p 的回答。这是另一个屏幕截图,可能有助于更清楚地了解如何添加函数以获取查询字符串
