Postgres:无法使 JSONB_PATH_EXISTS 正常工作

Postgres : can't make JSONB_PATH_EXISTS work correctly

我正在努力使用 JSONB_PATH_EXISTS Postgres 函数

我正在使用 PG 12 并遵循此文档:

使用以下请求(在 DBFiddle 上测试:

from (
    select '{
        "fields": {
            "foo": true,
            "number": 3,
            "listnb": [3, 4],
            "listenb2": ["3", "4"],
            "txt": "hello how are you",
            "listtxt": ["hello","how","are", "you", "3"],
            "nullval": null

    }'::jsonb as json
) t
where 1=1
-- Works with 'strict'
AND JSONB_PATH_EXISTS(json -> 'fields' -> 'listtxt',  'strict $ ? (@.type() == "array")')

-- Doesn't work without 'strict'. Why ?
--AND JSONB_PATH_EXISTS(json -> 'fields' -> 'listtxt',  '$ ? (@.type() == "array")')

-- Can't add a nested condition on an array element value (syntax error)
--AND JSONB_PATH_EXISTS(json -> 'fields' -> 'listtxt',  'strict $ ? (@.type() == "array" && @[*] ? (@ == "how"))')

#1 - 如果没有 strict 模式

,我无法使用 type() 函数

这可能与 lax 模式自动展开数组有关,但文档明确指出调用 type() 函数时未完成:

The lax mode facilitates matching of a JSON document structure and path expression if the JSON data does not conform to the expected schema. [...] Automatic unwrapping is not performed only when:

  • The path expression contains type() or size() methods that return the type and the number of elements in the array, respectively.
  • [...]


#2 我无法使用嵌套条件(示例请求中的第 3 AND



如果您将完整的 JSON 值传递给该函数,则可以执行以下操作:

where jsonb_path_exists(json, '$ ? (@.fields.listtxt.type() == "array")')

但是我可能会简单地使用 jsonb_typeof() 而无需路径查询

where jsonb_typeof(json -> 'fields' -> 'listtxt') = 'array'