为视频播放器启动新的 Activity 时,如何强制 android 视频播放器在播放完视频后不退出

When starting a new Activity for video player, how to force android video player to not exit after the video is played

我正在使用以下意图使用 android 默认视频播放器播放视频。

        File file = new File(galleryList.get(getAbsoluteAdapterPosition()).getPath());
        Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
        if (GalleryMediaHelper.isVideoFile(galleryList.get(getAbsoluteAdapterPosition()).getPath())) {
            i.setDataAndType(FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, AUTHORITY, file), "video/*");
        if (i.resolveActivity(context.getPackageManager()) != null)

到目前为止一切顺利。视频播放器开始播放视频。 问题是,当播放视频时,视频播放器关闭并且用户 returns 到我的应用程序。 -> 挪威克朗


The problem is that, when the video is played the video player is closed and the user returns to the my app

该行为将取决于视频播放器应用。根据预安装和用户安装的视频播放器应用,有数百个(如果不是数千个)可能的视频播放器应用可以处理您的 Intent

How can I force video player to not close and either play on repeat the video or just wait for user to press back so that he can do whatever he/she wants with the video player (pause, stop, replay etc)?


如果您需要对用户体验进行这种级别的控制,请实现您自己的视频播放器,例如通过集成 ExoPlayer。