使用 Elasticsearch Painless 更改字段值

Change field values using Elasticsearch Painless


如果比X长,改成value was truncated since it was too long

"_source" : {
          "random" : 123455,
          "@timestamp" : "2021-10-15T21:55:12.938+0000",
          "application" : "app",
          "alert" : {
            "app_key" : "XYZ",
            "host" : "Hostname",
            "check" : "CPU overloaded",
            "status" : "ok"


    "type" : "script_exception",
    "reason" : "runtime error",
    "script_stack" : [
      "for (alert in ctx._source.alert.entrySet())\n      {\n      ",
      "                               ^---- HERE"
    "script" : " ...",
    "lang" : "painless",
    "position" : {
      "offset" : 38,
      "start" : 7,
      "end" : 65
    "caused_by" : {
      "type" : "concurrent_modification_exception",
      "reason" : null


  "script": {
    "lang": "painless",
    "source": """
      for (alert in ctx._source.alert.entrySet())
      if (alert.getValue().length() > params.number_of_characters) {
        ctx._source.alert[alert] = "value was truncated since it was too long"
    "params": {
      "number_of_characters": 5


根据 doc entrySet():

Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map. The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over the set is in progress (except through the iterator's own remove operation, or through the setValue operation on a map entry returned by the iterator) the results of the iteration are undefined. The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll and clear operations. It does not support the add or addAll operations.


for (alert in ctx._source.alert.entrySet()){
    if (alert.getValue().length() > params.number_of_characters) {
        alert.setValue("value was truncated")      

最终,在 Nicolas 的帮助下,我使用了这个:

PUT _ingest/pipeline/rawpayload-ingest/
  "processors": [
      "script": {
        "description": "Loop through all fields in alert object and shorten them if needed",
        "lang": "painless",
        "source": """
          for (field in ctx.alert.entrySet()) {
            if (field.getValue() instanceof String) {
              if (field.getValue().length() > params.number_of_characters) {
              field.setValue(field.getValue().substring(0, params.number_of_characters) + "...truncated")
        "params": {
          "number_of_characters": 512